quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2018
RT @CNN: Muslim groups have raised over $180,000 to help Pittsburgh synagogue shooting victims. "We're just repaying the favor," says Wasi Mohamed of the Islamic Center for Pittsburgh, who noted Muslims have felt similar support from the community in the past. https://t.co/yjiffRrR5D https://t.co/WAEcgyuEQb
RT @ajplus: Georgia Sec. of State Brian Kemp asked a judge to reverse an order requiring election offices to keep absentee ballots even if there are signature mismatches. The order came after high rates of ballots were rejected from a 60% non-white county. The judge denied his request. https://t.co/CtdG6Qo7xJ
RT @ProfCAnderson: Kemp says he doesn't owe anything because, after it became past due, the friend agreed to additional months to pay it back. In other words, for Kemp, an extension doesn't mean you have more time to pay; it just wipes out the debt entirely. SMH. https://t.co/MkNtuTBb9L https://t.co/sNg13ZF9lo
RT @shaunking: Maybe this is why @BrianKempGA won't attend his debate w/ @StaceyAbrams on Sunday? He stole $500,000 from a lifelong friend and refuses to pay it back. Now he ducks and dodges anytime anyone asks him about it. Georgia! We don't need this man as our Governor! A scoundrel. https://t.co/OYLOZwGlG8
RT @rafaelshimunov: Republicans @metgopclub invited white nationalists multiple times where they took up violence & threatened political assassination. Jews arrived to peacefully ask them to disavow white nationalism, they had us arrested as we prayed for the Jews killed by it. #EndWhiteNationalism https://t.co/XRJc2Nz2yg
RT @TheWayWithAnoa: .@BrianKempGA does not get to cancel a job interview and inconvenience others to suit his fragility. This is peak white privileged. Why on early should she debate him the night before when they agreed in advance on Sunday?!? That’s on him. This isn’t reasonable. #gapol https://t.co/PXamyfNnCe
RT @CarlosGSmith: Just finished a historic march to the polls with hundreds of students at @UCF alongside none other than @BernieSanders! TY Bernie for marching & firing up our Knights! We march for FAIRNESS & EQUALITY for all! We march for @AndrewGillum! 🌊 ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾#BringItHome #FLDeservesBetter https://t.co/xGEpSpASf0
RT @cjwerleman: Hungary's top court acquits the camerawoman who was filmed tripping and kicking Syrian refugees at the Hungary-Serbia border in 2015. Petra Laszlo was captured on camera knocking over a man who was running with a child in his arms, before kicking another running child. https://t.co/b9q0KiJBpn
RT @TinyMuslimah: The hate-driven murders of #MauriceStallard & #VickieLeeJones have been underreported. Please help us to support their families. We reached our initial goal—over $25K in roughly 24 hours, and set a new goal. We need your help reaching it. https://t.co/HwKP5wRqU1 #BlackLivesMatter https://t.co/liaDay8QMw
RT @KameelahRashad: #MuslimsUnitedforKentucky Just one week ago, these 2 African American elders were brutally murdered by white supremacist #GregoryBush in KY. Let’s continue to support the families. We’ve almost reached our goal of $35k. Pls contribute what you can. https://t.co/S5n2GV2KAK https://t.co/3EkNjT3cWD
Something VERY interesting has happened. In 2018 alone, 3 different WHITE @NFL quarterbacks have been arrested. Logan Woodside Chad Kelly Kyle Lauletta Suddenly, conservatives are no longer talking about the criminality of NFL players. These arrests don't fit their narrative. https://t.co/Mm8sYFmXF7
RT @paolamendoza: The caravan walked about 30 kilometers yesterday. They were greeted by the town with food, water and a movie. Kids were finally able to laugh as Coco played on the big screen. I’m headed to the caravan tomorrow. I want to tell the real story of their resilience + their power. https://t.co/XoAgjDNizK
RT @GerryConnolly: Mr President, your new EO ending citizenship for children born in the US is patently unconstitutional. I am sending you a copy of the Constitution. Knowing your aversion to reading I have highlighted the 14th amdt for your convenience. We abide by this sacred text in America. https://t.co/Tm6jL33OVX
terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2018
RT @keithboykin: "I want you to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller," the man who worked for Jack Burkman told her. He "offered to pay off all of my credit card debt, plus bring me a check for $20,000 if I would do" it. https://t.co/e1MMziFQqu https://t.co/Gt8IRjpEhs
RT @emma_a_whitford: Currently, in Louisiana, 7 people facing the death penalty don't have a capital-certified lawyer. They're stuck on a waiting list, in what one lawyer calls the "worst kind of limbo." I looked at the chaos surrounding one defendant in Caddo Parish: https://t.co/xrJ96AILg5 https://t.co/AnnkF6Pxra
RT @ErikaAndiola: They went after DACA recipients. They went after asylum seekers. They went after migrant children. They tried to cut “legal” immigration. They went after US residents. Now they’re trying to end birthright citizenships. They’re not gonna stop until we stop them. Please VOTE! https://t.co/C3tupUhw8e
RT @theappeal: In 1987, Oregon became the first state to pass a “sanctuary law” that limits cooperation between local officials and immigration authorities. But now the law is facing a repeal effort and several rural Oregon sheriffs have joined the call to repeal it. https://t.co/NgpgQImXEL https://t.co/3jo7ErwWoM
RT @joshfoxfilm: 14,000 troops at the border: This is where the policy has been heading this whole time. First you normalize separating families and kidnapping children. Then you normalize militarization. Next, they will try to normalize shooting refugees. This is how racist genocide starts. https://t.co/K0JpgB8b8X
RT @justicedems: There are no moderate Republicans. There are no moderate Republicans. There are no moderate Republicans. There are no moderate Republicans. There are no moderate Republicans. There are no moderate Republicans. There are no moderate Republicans. There are no moderate Republicans. https://t.co/fgKWGBFKIF
RT @dispositive: .@adybarkan and I were on the Columbia Spectator staff at the same time in college. Though we didn’t know each other well, I’m pleased to donate to this effort. As a First Amendment lawyer, promoting journalism is important to me — and necessary in these times. https://t.co/Wm0GvJIiVY
RT @BenjaminPDixon: This is what "access" media is all about. It's not about challenging power with even the simplest fact-checking. It's about being able to chuckle with the POTUS as he discusses destroying the lives of millions of people and use that as a promotion for your new show on HBO. https://t.co/DHmPRdftxv
Take off of work on Election Day. Spend the whole morning, afternoon, and evening getting people to the polls. Volunteer locally. Give rides. Work with your favorite campaign. Or even spend the entire day calling every single person in your contacts and making sure they VOTE! https://t.co/ZrAJQey0MU
RT @NormEisen: Er, Mr. President, "All persons born or naturalized in the US...are citizens of the US." It's the 14th Amendment. NEVER have we seen a POTUS so willing to trample our laws. Probably a pre-election gimmick, but fortunately we have courts--see you there sir if you dare try this. https://t.co/YrtzwOkSJU
RT @MeritLaw: Trump is sending in 5,200 troops— more than are in Iraq & Syria— to face down a diminishing groups of migrants (estimated 3,500) that plan to seek asylum through a legally protected process at ports of entry. Why? BECAUSE THE MOVE POLLS GREAT ACROSS PARTISAN LINES! https://t.co/07yPvI5Veh
segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2018
RT @taradublinrocks: Death is too good for him. I want him locked in a windowless cell for life where he’s forced to watch nothing but Schindler’s List, Fiddler On the Roof, & Yentl at full volume on an endless loop all day every day #MAGAShooter #TreeOfLife #MondayMotivation https://t.co/KiyKkJwHIj
RT @theappeal: In Louisiana, there’s a growing waitlist of people sitting in jail waiting for a lawyer as they face the death penalty after the state cut capital defense funds & several capital defense attorneys lost their certification or were suspended for misconduct. https://t.co/MifKvvLoqi https://t.co/HdjuDTJEpd
RT @MaajidNawaz: @KTHopkins This is justifying terror, while victim-blaming of the worst degree Katie. Blaming Jews themselves for Jews being killed?! WTF?! Should we all now not express our opinions incase a terrorist decides to kill us for them? Terrible, horrible and deplorable for you to say this. https://t.co/p2IR06xvgi
RT @MsKellyMHayes: So in addition to being to blame for a rightwing mass assassination attempt against Trump's political rivals, the press is now also responsible for the anti-Black Kroger murders and Saturday's synagogue attack. I really want everyone to process the severity of this accusation. https://t.co/RxPe1Uan1e
RT @theappeal: In 2016, 2017, & 2018 incarcerated people staged hunger strikes to protest Santa Clara County jail conditions. More than a dozen suicides have taken place in the jails since 2011. On Nov. 6, voters will decide if Sheriff Laurie Smith deserves a sixth term. https://t.co/XEkFfXkAen https://t.co/rtMcezV7s3
domingo, 28 de outubro de 2018
RT @AdrianneShrop: Even in the midst of chaos we have always been able to find joy. And hold on tight to it. Thanks to my homegirl @angela_rye, @shaunking @EdwardTedJames, @KristenClarkeJD, and @conniewunphd for helping me joyfully celebrate my bday. #betvote #OurVoteOurPower https://t.co/kxA3E97Fxe
RT @ThePlumLineGS: This good @AdamSerwer piece has a useful rundown of conservative voices who tied the caravan "invaders" to Soros: https://t.co/obanqZXdqQ It can't be stressed enough that *both* those ingredients are crucial to Trump's hatemongering, a blueprint that was already clear in 2016: https://t.co/T7mNMFjUPW
RT @AdrianneShrop: While our country stands at a crossroads the power for transformation lies in our hands. Join @angela_rye for a conversation about what’s at stake on Nov 6 w/ @MichelleObama @CoreyBooker @ValerieJarrett @EdwardTedJames @KristenClarkeJD @shaunking @conniewunphd @RealRemyMa and me. https://t.co/W0Mdjck7tY
RT @OwenJones84: Brazil's new President promised a "cleansing never seen before in Brazilian history", to exile or imprison leftists, said he's a proud homophobe who'd sooner his son die than be gay, called for a civil war and 30,000 deaths, said he wouldn't rape a woman because she's "very ugly" https://t.co/tq0vomizNZ
RT @shaunking: My Latest. Yesterday an armed white man, Gregory Bush, walked into a Kentucky grocery store & murdered 2 different Black grandparents. Then told a white man not to worry because he wouldn't kill white people. LOUISVILLE REFUSES TO CALL IT A HATE CRIME. https://t.co/Y5Tmz9oIIC https://t.co/15RUFcpEoe
RT @MichaelBloch15: .@shaunking lays out the alarming scope of voter suppression in Georgia. GA was ranked 43 out of 50 in election integrity BEFORE this abominable election, where the same guy running for gov. also oversees the election. We simply cannot believe in the integrity of this election. https://t.co/szRsrSSv64
RT @shaunking: I need you to take two minutes out of your day to watch this. This is the co-founder of @Vice. He has a television broadcast on @CRTV - which is widely supported by conservatives. He is an open white supremacist who is explicitly advocating violence all over the country. https://t.co/827XfYDp5b
RT @KristenClarkeJD: We're counting down to November 6th. Tune in to @BET tonight and watch @Angela_Rye's #MidtermElections Special: Our Vote, Our Power! We can transform our country through the sheer power of our votes! #BETvote Proud to join along w/ @MichelleObama @CoryBooker @shaunking & more! https://t.co/B3BxDN97BK
RT @theappeal: L.A. County sheriff’s deputy Samuel Aldama got a tattoo with a skull, rifle, flames, & helmet—which appears to be a “deputy gang” tattoo. Two months later, he & another deputy killed Donta Taylor, a Black man. They said Taylor drew a gun. No gun was found. https://t.co/ovlKpe8HGH https://t.co/E7tQMc8BwS
RT @imraansiddiqi: If @jack is serious about ridding @Twitter of accounts responsible for spreading false and libelous information - he will ban this woman for good. She’s now spreading photoshopped images of @lsarsour next to a swastika. This can potentially lead to violence. @TwitterSafety https://t.co/X2dBgVVAIR
RT @letsgomathias: Pittsburgh in last few months: skinhead group beats up black man at a bar. & a racist white man killed a black man outside a bar, stabbing him in the neck. The white man had written on Facebook: "all [blacks] do is ruin western civilizations." Now, 11 murdered at a synagogue. https://t.co/JLUpE3hGcN
sábado, 27 de outubro de 2018
RT @SikhFeminist: Again, this isn't rocket science. Right wing politicians create & spread harmful, dangerous, bigoted lies about our communities, which are then spread by irresponsible media outlets and right wing pundits on social media. People watch & some get radicalized & commit violence. https://t.co/C0zxqttnog
RT @AJentleson: The synagogue shooter hated Jews because he thought they were helping terrorists disguised as refugees enter America. Trump spent the last two weeks fear mongering about terrorists disguised as refuges entering America. And GOP strategists were “quite pleased” with him. https://t.co/RGXwQXg7Sg
RT @shaunking: I need you to take two minutes out of your day to watch this. This is the co-founder of @Vice. He has a television broadcast on @CRTV - which is widely supported by conservatives. He is an open white supremacist who is explicitly advocating violence all over the country. https://t.co/827XfYDp5b
RT @AfricanaCarr: @nikaebs @shaunking @ZinnEdProject May we all stay on it! Believe me. I was just reading Alton Hornsby’s “Southerners Too?” in the wake of current white supremacist voter suppression efforts like those of Georgia’s Brian Kemp. Saw that he thanked Shaun as one of his @Morehouse research assistants. Can’t fake work.
RT @MichaelBloch15: .@shaunking lays out the alarming scope of voter suppression in Georgia. GA was ranked 43 out of 50 in election integrity BEFORE this abominable election, where the same guy running for gov. also oversees the election. We simply cannot believe in the integrity of this election. https://t.co/szRsrSSv64
RT @LawyersComm: Don't miss our President & Exec Dir. @KristenClarkeJD as she joins @angela_rye to discuss the importance of voting during the Midterm Elections along w/ @michelleobama @shaunking @ValerieJarrett @CoryBooker and more this Sunday at 10/9c on @BET! Our vote is our power! https://t.co/xVjTKT3ktB
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