quinta-feira, 29 de novembro de 2018

curso de manutenção de notebook online

Segundo mesmo autor, só podemos entender avanço significativo do ensino com a tecnologia na atualidade, se conhecermos pelo menos um pouquinho da história e trajetória da (EaD) Educação a Distância, educação esta, que evoluiu bastante ao longo de diversas gerações.

Ensino dessa disciplina pode potencializar essas capacidades, ampliando as possibilidades dos alunos de compreender e transformar a realidade. Criar novo  curso de manutenção de notebook online conhecimento significa quase literalmente recriar a empresa e todos dentro dela em um processo continuo de auto-renovacao pessoal e organizacional. Uma das principais e melhor característica da Plataforma Moodle é a facilidade de uso tanto para professores, como para alunos.

TheAppBuilder oferece planos individuais, para grupos e para grandes empresas, sendo grátis para os dois primeiros. Desta forma, entende-se que uma forma de professor mediar conhecimento de forma prática, é a escolha dos métodos, os quais influenciarão aprendizado do aluno. Portanto, aprender fazendo constitui a ideia-chave dessa pedagogia, pelo fato de envolver ações que tenham sentido para aluno, possibilitando-lhe questionar, problematizar, refletir e desenvolver uma atitude de busca constante do conhecimento.

Assim como nas Diretrizes em que encontrarmos uma lista de 16 atribuições ao egresso do curso, em que definiria como um superprofissional, curso de Pedagogia da UNICENTRO, segundo seu Projeto Político Pedagógico (2008, p.18) apresenta uma listagem extensa de atribuições. Você precisa oferecer conteúdo de qualidade a quem confiou em seu curso e conta com aprendizado nele para crescer - seja como profissional ou pessoa.
Faz-se necessário relembrar também a importância da Língua Estrangeira para nossos alunos, os quais devem conquistar gosto pela língua e a motivação para aprendê-la de modo a talvez até investir na sua formação bilíngue. 

Projeto do curso de formação deve "prever situações didáticas em que os futuros professores coloquem em uso os conhecimentos que aprenderam ao mesmo tempo em que possam mobilizar outros oriundos de diferentes naturezas e experiências". Contudo, papel do professor deverá ser de disponibilizar dados e propor soluções as quais os alunos devem analisar, estruturar e confrontar para uma possível resolução do problema. 

Portanto, é bom valorizar aquelas escolas que prezam por um trabalho profissional, engajado, informativo e flexível para os alunos. No que diz respeito à dificuldade dos alunos, professor precisa dominar conhecimentos da psicologia da educação, para que possa conhecer e compreender os aspectos internos do método a ser desenvolvidos. A emergência de um novo entendimento da EaD deve considerar mundo físico como uma rede de relações, e a educação, em especial na modalidade a distância, precisa basear-se nas interconexões entre os sujeitos e os objetos, promovendo a abertura de novos diálogos e a ressignificação do processo educativo. 

A importância destes recursos em sala de aula é trazer os professores e alunos para este mundo tecnológico. desafio, então, posto aos cursos de formação inicial é de colocar no aluno a construção de sua identidade de professor consciente da realidade em que vive e de sua posição social. A pesquisa objetiva mostrar a utilização da tecnologia, mais especificadamente sistema de Plataforma MOODLE, analisado a partir da opinião de professores que ministram aulas no Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia da Faculdade - FAMA, tendo como objetivo parâmetro identificar grau de satisfação e a efetividade do sistema no processo de ensino e aprendizado. A aprendizagem da dança pelas crianças, porem, não pode estar determinada pela marcação e definição de coreografias pelos adultos. Há vários sites que vendem os domínios disponíveis.

Saiba mais: www.concertanotebook.com.br/

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Novo Estilo

A maior e mais premiada franquia de cursos profissionalizantes do Brasil. Desta forma, baseados nos estudos dos gêneros e nos principais autores do tema, recolhemos mais conhecimentos a respeito para aplicar em sala de aula. Partindo da premissa de que ensino-aprendizagem de Língua Estrangeira é restrita, devido a fatores relativos à formação de profissionais e a recursos de apoio didático, este estudo justifica-se por acreditar ser necessário revisar constantemente  Novo Estilo a base que orienta planejamento nas nossas escolas, aonde os alunos chegam com experiências muito relevantes do seu dia a dia para que possamos, assim, adaptar nosso planejamento de acordo com sua realidade.

Learncafe possui uma seleção com mais de 2000 cursos, rigorosamente escolhidos para atender as principais áreas do conhecimento e os objetivos específicos de cada um de nossos alunos. A meta dos cursos livres, independente se for presencial ou online, é aprender bastante e conseguir um certificado que comprove todo seu empenho. Desde 2006, nós estamos em uma missão para transformar a construção de sites em um atividade simples e divertida, como deve ser. #1 A Carnegie Mellon University também por meio da Open Learning Initiative tem um curso de espanhol completo de graça, mas conteúdo é inglês.

As transformações nas formas de comunicação e de intercâmbio de conhecimentos, desencadeadas pelo uso generalizado das tecnologias digitais nos distintos âmbitos da sociedade contemporânea, demandam uma reformulação das relações de ensino e aprendizagem, tanto no que diz respeito ao que é feito nas escolas, quanto a como é feito. No curso de inglês online é possível aprender inglês em 200 horas, mesmo que você seja iniciante.

Ainda segundo Fralkemabach, para que ocorra as mudanças desejadas nas práticas pedagógicas, caberá ao professor planejar, organizar e controlar as atividades de ensino utilizando os recursos dos jogos para criar e desenvolver as habilidades que desenvolvam a curiosidade, a atenção, a criatividade, a iniciativa, criando condições ideais para que os alunos dominem os conteúdos. Sendo que algumas vezes as concepções aderidas em sala de aula se tornam abstratas para alguns alunos. Precisa de um app mas não tem ideia de como criar um? É sabido por todos do meio educacional que ensino online vem buscando refletir sobre as experiências do ensino presencial com impacto das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação para ultrapassar as barreiras físicas do espaço e do tempo, transformando a aprendizagem em um processo estimulante e modificando os paradigmas convencionais de ensino.

Pós graduanda em Gestão Escolar pela Universidade Cidade S. Paulo (2010).Tem experiência na área de Educação, em Apoio Pedagógico, Estudo da Infância e Gestão Escolar, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Educação Infantil e Anos Iniciais. Com isso fica claro a grande importância desta atividade, trazendo imensos benefícios para a aprendizagem, para a melhoria do ensino e principalmente para estagiário. tutor precisa identificar e orientar os alunos com pouca compreensão sobre a metodologia de EaD, sobre a importância da autonomia do aprendizado. No segundo capítulo, relataremos sobre papel da escola e do professor no processo de aprendizagem da criança, em que educador deve saber mediar e proporcionar um ambiente que estimule positivamente esta aprendizagem, ressaltando também a importância do brinquedo na aprendizagem e desenvolvimento.

Curso é para quem tem conhecimentos da língua. A grande maioria dos alunos tanto das escolas públicas como privadas, já possuem um contato muito próximo com as novas tecnologias, pois diariamente utilizam a internet para downloads de filmes, conversam com amigos nas salas de bate-papo on-line, enviar e receber e-mails, montar seus álbuns de fotografia (fotologs) e criar suas próprias homepages. Outra ótima opção é Portal Prime Cursos, que além não exige qualificação profissional e também disponibiliza diplomas após término de suas atividades.

Saiba mais: https://www.novostyle.com.br/

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2018

Novo Estilo

Tecnologia e aprendizado estes dois temas estão mutuamente imbricados, uma vez que não há comose pensar a formação docente sem considerar a presença das tecnologias no artigo 61 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases(LDB)a lei propõe se que currículo de referência para os cursos de licenciatura em computação proposta pela Sociedade Brasileira da Computação (SBC). aluno declara-se  Novo Estilo disposto a estudar, desde que não seja em sala de aula.

 Pessoas consagradas na área educacional, tais como Bernadete Angelina Gatti e Guiomar Namo de Mello, defendem a ideia de mudanças na estrutura dos cursos de Pedagogia. É importante um feedback entre professores e alunos. Os cursos de imersão em inglês visam imergir totalmente aluno no idioma inglês, lhe proporcionando uma espécie de vivência no exterior aqui no Brasil. Além disso, os alunos contam com suporte especializado sempre pronto para ajudá-lo no que for preciso, assim como uma plataforma robusta e que exibe todo seu progresso nos estudos, evitando que você se perca no que foi visto ao longo das aulas.

Com Criador de Site da KingHost, você poderá criar seu site sozinho e divulgar seu negócio para mundo todo, mesmo sem nenhum conhecimento técnico. A primeira etapa desta pesquisa correspondeu ao contato juntamente a direção da Escola Estadual de Ensino Fundamental e Médio Professor Orlando Freire para pedir autorização para a realização desta pesquisa. Todas as brincadeiras oferecidas pelas professoras, são apreciadas pelas crianças, principalmente na área externa, onde as mesmas têm liberdade para correr, pular e saltar.

Desenvolvido completamente em vídeos aulas com uma didática excelente facilitando aprendizado dos alunos focado em aprender criar seu próprio negocio lucrativo. Nas primeiras quatro séries do ensino fundamental, cada classe tem um professor responsável por todas as áreas de conhecimentos. E é por esse viés que pretendemos encerrar a pesquisa sobre um tema que destaca Pensador DEWEY e sua obra recortada especialmente na Educação Superior e a conceitualização (Pedagogia, Andragogia e Didática); as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) da origem até os dias atuais no Brasil. Focada no Ensino À Distância (EAD), ela oferece ferramentas para gerenciar e comercializar seu curso online com profissionalismo. Situação.

Se você comprar domínio e a hospedagem na mesmo empresa, a integração é feita pela própria empresa. Formação e avaliação de professores. Sou professora , formada em pedagogia, espcialista em coordenação pedagógica e Atendimento Educacional especializado, moro em Estância - Sergipe, sou uma profissional que ainda acredita que a educação é melhor caminho para uma vida digna e só através dela conseguiremos mudar futuro do nosso país. A autorregulação deve constituir-se numa prática que por ser mensurada mais detidamente reveste-se de possibilidades de reduzir as distâncias entre mundo lá fora, do aluno e mundo acadêmico que se instalou pela melhoria da qualidade de vida das espécies e das sociedades. Assim, você consegue criar conteúdos focados em seu público-alvo, de maneira simples e relevante.
 A importância do estudo e do conhecimento na vida dos alunos que freqüentam as aulas de Ciências Naturais, são considerados como fator primordial para os alunos. Alguns pesquisadores na área da Educação Matemática ressaltam que uso de tecnologias como auxílio nas aulas de matemática, contribui para um melhor aprendizado por parte dos alunos, tornando cada vez melhor a interação professor-aluno. Para te ajudar a fazer um curso de assistente social, selecionamos alguns cursos a distância do Educamundo que vão te conquistar e deixar ainda mais motivado para se aperfeiçoar, atualizar e assimilar máximo conteúdo referente ao serviço social. Nós ajudamos a criar sites mobile que parecem com aplicativos e que se adaptam para visitantes que usam PCs. Um professor, dentro da sala de aula, que tiver consciência da história de vida de seu aluno, e puder tratá-lo como um sujeito único, capaz de aprender, certamente terá mais possibilidade de auxiliá-lo a encontrar sua própria forma de assimilar conhecimento.

 Nesse sentido, percebe-se a necessidade do professor estar sempre buscando novos conhecimentos, aprimorando suas técnicas de ensino e dando maior atenção ao processo de ensino e aprendizagem, maior ênfase à realidade educacional com a análise dos problemas concretos da sala de aula, enfatizando a relação teoria-prática, numa perspectiva que entende que a teoria se constrói na relação com a prática. As Faculdades Integradas Aparício Carvalho - FIMCA são as primeiras a oferecera partir deste ano, curso de Serviço Social presencial no município de Porto Velho, existindo apenas mais dois cursos oferecidos à distância por outras IES3.A universidade Federal ainda não tem em seu currículo este curso, como vários outros. Para que todas essas propostas do governo sobre as Novas Tecnologias na educação possam ter resultados satisfatórios, não basta somente equipar com os recursos tecnológicos e mantê-los, quer dizer dar todas as condições de uso nas escolas, darem cursos para os educadores, mas se não houver uma mudança na valorização do educador de maneira geral: tanto financeira, quanto educativa.

Saiba mais: www.novostyle.com.br

Lojas em bh

 maior e mais premiada franquia de cursos profissionalizantes do Brasil. Crianças com dificuldades de Aprendizagem: uma abordagem cognitiva. Os encontros realizados com 10 alunos do primeiro, 10 do segundo e 10 do terceiro ano do Ensino Fundamental de Nove Anos da Rede Municipal, visam olhar criteriosamente para as dificuldades apresentadas pelas  Lojas em bh crianças no processo de Alfabetização e na construção da Aprendizagem Matemática. Se você pretende criar um site sozinho e quer saber se vale a pena, a resposta é: DEPENDE.

São sugestões que podem ser melhor desenvolvidas junto com os professores que podem acrescentar a estas, suas próprias técnicas de estudo, com objetivo de ajudar aprendiz a superar emaranhado de informações e novidades que processo escolar lhe propõe. Para além disso, site é extremamente acessível, com conteúdos simples mas com grande poder de informação. De fato ter um site pode ser caro e complicado de fazer sozinho, no entanto, com um pouco de pesquisa e conhecimento é possível escolher a melhor opção para seu bolso e para a quantidade de tempo que você deseja investir no assunto.

Na sociedade formada pelo professor-aluno, também a interação é imperiosa sob pena de se subestimar a atividade específica daquele que aprende, reduzindo- a um sujeito passivo. No entanto, quando aloja seu blog grátis no site WordPress, este não permite a colocação de publicidade nas suas páginas, pelo que a rentabilização, se for esse seu objectivo, é mais complicada. No entanto, é relevante ressaltar que para ocorrer a aprendizagem significativa, os indivíduos envolvidos (alunos) são fatores decisivos nesse processo, visto que um novo conhecimento pode ser relevante para uma pessoa e já para outra, não.

 A ferramenta ainda permite que você assine um plano premium (bem barato) para você utilizar alguns recursos extras, mas já com básico qualquer um consegue criar um site profissional sozinho em poucos minutos. A única coisa a lembrar aqui é que todos os construtores de site atendem a um usuário um pouco diferente, no final complexo você tem os sites semelhantes ao WordPress que é mais simples e exige que você tenha um pouco de conhecimento de CSS, HTML e até mesmo de PHP.

Portanto a aprendizagem significativa está ligada de forma direta ou indireta à vida do estudante e por isso torna-se interessante, prática e útil, pois sabe, aluno, que que aprende será utilizado a qualquer momento de sua existência, ou seja, ele se vê naquilo que está aprendendo. Quando conhecimento existente na cultura é internalizado pelas crianças, as funções e as habilidades intelectuais são provocadas ao desenvolvimento desse conhecimento. Para ser eficaz, professor elabora suas aulas as transmite aos alunos e eles as decodificam. Estágio Supervisionado é de grande importância para a aquisição da prática profissional, pois relata que aluno cursou durante sua graduação, toda a parte teórica e com isso pode colocá-la em prática.

 Contratando empresas de conteúdo para blog corporativo: mas e quando os profissionais da sua empresa não têm tempo para escrever conteúdo? curso está dividido em 12 aulas, sendo que para cada aula um vídeo apresenta um profissional e também um determinado ambiente. Mediante as experiências vivenciadas por meio dessa pequisa, pôde-se analisar experiências baseadas nos relatos de Pimentel e Paula (2007) que por meio de pesquisas realizadas na área da Educação Matemática puderam concluir que aluno quando torna-se usuário de um software educacional orientado por bons objetivos de ensino, desenvolve bem mais rápido inferências sobre os conteúdos de que numa sala de aula caracterizada pelos métodos tradicionais de ensino. Quanto as vendas,eu já trabalhava com venda de sites em parceria com uma empresa de São em Sobral,A maior cidade do ceará,com 300 mil habitantes,a cidade é a base comercial pra 52 municipios ao redor,é polo da saúde no nordeste,os melhores hospitais e médicos.Daí comercio é sempre ativo. Há diversas ferramentas disponíveis na internet, pagas e gratuitas, que te permitem criar um site. Como eu já comentei, principalmente para empresas é fundamental passar uma imagem profissional para reforçar de forma positiva a percepção sobre ela. À educação cabe, então, a formação de novos profissionais com desenvolvimento do raciocínio lógico, autonomia, articulação verbal, iniciativa, comunicação e capacidade de tomar decisões. Daí, a necessidade de uma educação dialógica, abalizada na troca de idéias e opiniões, de uma conversa colaborativa em que não se conjectura insucesso do aluno Quando educando sofre com insucesso, também fracassa professor. É preciso se cadastrar no site para ter acesso ao conteúdo.

Saiba mais: www.novostyle.com.br

segunda-feira, 5 de novembro de 2018

Conserto de Notebook

A família é peça importante no processo de aprendizagem do aluno, os pais ou responsáveis podem ajudar seus filhos nas lições de casa, essa é uma estratégia para passar as crianças segurança e interesse pelos estudos. Então, nesta perspectiva, cabe pensar treinamento dos instrutores de trânsito com foco na aprendizagem significativa a partir da construção e não da transmissão de conhecimentos como se aluno, que no caso dos  Conserto de Notebook  CFC será futuro condutor, fosse um recipiente vazio a ser preenchido de informações como ensina Paulo Freire, que também vale para ensino sobre trânsito e legislação.
 Neste capítulo vou apresentar uma breve descrição das dificuldades de aprendizagem mais comuns existentes nas salas de aula segundo Simaia Sampaio e algumas sugestões de estratégias de intervenções sugeridas pelos autores que também estudam e abordam assunto. Com os cursos para iniciantes, você tem uma introdução fácil ao francês ou amplia seus conhecimentos básicos. Desde que a leitura e a escrita começaram a fazer parte do desenvolvimento da humanidade, que meio social está se tornando mais exigentes, sempre estão procurando melhores resultados na aprendizagem dos indivíduos.
Para Freire existe saberes necessários à prática educativa tais como: dar condições ao educando de aprender criticamente, afinal os que ensinam e os que aprendem são sujeitos de um processo, mais que de formação, de construção e de criação. A importância da experimentação no processo ensino-aprendizagem é reconhecida por grande parte dos professores. Felizmente, com poder da internet e da informação é possível aprender muito sobre essa língua de forma completamente gratuita e online, sem sair de casa.

Nesse sentido, professor precisa estar bastante atento aos conhecimentos prévios das crianças acerca de si mesmas e de sua corporeidade, para adequar seus projetos e a melhor maneira de trabalhá-los com grupo de crianças. Para obter tal qualidade nas interações com e entre os alunos são necessários diversos comportamentos e conhecimentos, como a comunicação proativa e efetiva; orientação sobre funcionamento do modelo de EAD; estimular e esclarecer a importância do trabalho colaborativo; ter facilidade de movimentação” entre pessoas com compreensões diversas sobre significado de aprender; capacidade de adequação do discurso para atingir a todos; disponibilidade de acesso e conhecimento sobre andragogia, alteridade e afetuosidade. A ABRA Online é uma extensão da

ABRA - Escola de Arte e Design, que atua há mais de 30 anos no segmento de ensino de arte e design. Desta forma, as orientações motivacionais, podem ser muito distintas e complexas, variando também em função dos diferentes contextos de aprendizagem e contextos de vida (Miranda & Almeida, 2009).Ressalta-se ser importante, perceber quais as metas ou objetivos que os alunos definem para si próprios e que irão determinar a conduta e sentido do seu próprio investimento. Porém ao desenvolver todos esses recursos é necessário, que professor seja criterioso e cauteloso ao fazer suas escolhas, levando em consideração contexto educacional em que atua, pois vários são os propósitos e as possibilidades de integração de sites da Internet ao processo de aprendizagem.

Veja notícias, cursos presenciais e a distância e os eventos do seu estado, além de orientações para ajudar na gestão da sua empresa. B) Ao professor, compromisso de trazer através de novos meios de transmissão, novos recursos, mídias, vídeos, apostilas, sites, outras maneiras de sanar todas as dúvidas existentes. Atualmente é Analista de Marketing de Produto na KingHost, uma das maiores empresas de hospedagem de sites do Brasil. Continue lendo para aprender sobre os cinco principais cursos e quais são os mais adequados para a sua atividade. Os alunos se colocam como construtores individuais de seus próprios caminhos e conhecimentos, sendo que a interação não é uma prioridade dentro do processo.

Através das observações, analisou-se pontos importantes em relação ao nosso aprendizado e a nossa formação acadêmica, em ver a criança como ser que aprende e que nos ensina ao mesmo tempo, e que precisa de um mediador para seu processo de construção de conhecimentos. que você precisa fazer é analisar seu tipo de negócio para então escolher um construtor de sites que suporte que você colocará em sua página. Cursos livres são para adquirir conhecimentos específicos, da melhor forma possível, mais rápido possível, a um preço acessível. Por isso, Curso Online Assistência às Crianças e Adolescentes em Situação de Risco pode ser guia que faltava para te orientar.

Todavia, através deste trabalho percebe-se a importância das ideologias de Vygotsky para a educação, especialmente no que se refere à aprendizagem e desenvolvimento da criança. Porque você pode ganhar muito dinheiro ao publicar cursos online e vendê-los para pessoas interessadas em aprender que você tem. Vygotsky diz que, quando se avalia nível de desenvolvimento de uma criança ou adolescente, procura-se, geralmente, identificar as capacidades e as competências já adquiridas por eles e identificar a capacidade do sujeito para realizar tarefas e adquirir novos conhecimentos com a ajuda do outro.

Saiba mais:  www.concertanotebook.com.br/

RT @CatsCommentary: .@mrdannyglover is a true leader and I am grateful to have his support! And with your vote, we can begin the path towards real change in the lives of all Oakland residents tomorrow - get excited! https://t.co/VYLjmw5UPU


Florida!! Do you see how close this is? Tomorrow we need you to turn out and vote like our lives depend on it!! https://t.co/NiJ878N8nH


RT @YNB: Hey Los Angeles... tomorrow all buses and trains are free. So that everyone can make it to the polls. So PLEASE make it to the polls! #Vote 💙 #NovemberSixth https://t.co/gRjFmpW7rF


RT @LegalAidNYC: "Currently, there are 219,000 incarcerated women in prison, & 80% of those women are mothers. A reported 2.7 million children have an incarcerated parent in the US, & at least 10 million children have experienced parental incarceration in their lifetimes." https://t.co/0Xm621u7fN


RT @JovankaBeckles: I'm not just asking for your vote — I'm asking you to join the political revolution. I'm so thrilled to have the endorsement of @SenSanders and @BLeeForCongress. From #AD15 to DC and everywhere in between, we're building a movement to put people over profit.🗳✊🏿 https://t.co/k6xPcQViUK


RT @Zendaya: I voted, you? https://t.co/ZBPIBytYyx


RT @AndrewGillum: In under 24 hours, polls across most of Florida will have closed. I'm ready to #BringItHome. Are you?


RT @LucyWins2018: Election Day is tomorrow - and before I went out to canvass with our volunteers, I wanted to remind them how important they are to me. Now let’s keep knocking on doors and turn out voters! #TeamLucy https://t.co/yR0MpeU74p


RT @EdgeofSports: "Athletes Speak Out Against Hate" - long list of athletes - primarily from the @WNBA signing statement of solidarity with victims of hate crimes and calling for folks to get out and vote. Some amazing names here https://t.co/LO7YhOgU0J


RT @KevinCate: The @AndrewGillum #GillumSurge in Madison County, Florida, with children perched on top of a Confederate monument to get a better view of history. https://t.co/MfI6gMgCZT


I absolutely want to see this happen all over the country. We don’t just want formerly incarcerated people able to vote, we want and need them in office. https://t.co/govQjCMq1v


RT @tkocreative: On September 13, @TishJames made history as the first woman of color elected statewide nominee in NY. Tomorrow, she will become the first woman of color elected to statewide office in the history of NY. #ElectionEve #ElectionDay https://t.co/p1hIglV89C


RT @theappeal: Your essential criminal justice guide to election night. From sheriffs to bail to marijuana, and more—here's what you need to know. https://t.co/OXN9TgdD5L by @Taniel


RT @amberkgoodwin: Heading to go knock doors now for her! https://t.co/G64lDemMvo


RT @Ashadahya: "women of color will shatter glass ceilings all day long". HELL YES. https://t.co/Fzqj6X7YRp


RT @Scholten4Iowa: How do you build a campaign: ...that is funded by regular people? ...that fights for Iowans, not special interests? ...that stands up for common decency? ...that bridges divides instead of creating them? ...that reaches so many turned off by politics? The answer, is Faith. https://t.co/tj60S2dPO8


Come on Iowa! Elect JD tomorrow!! https://t.co/HAot5dRigI


If you asked me to list 5 people I most want to win tomorrow, JD is on that list. He’s a great man running for Congress in Iowa against an open white supremacist in Steve King. We need JD in Congress. https://t.co/1FDDSYuUIT


RT @LeftOutLoud: Imagine a Congress without Steve King! We're one day away from making it happen, but we still need help! Follow @Scholten4Iowa today and join the remote phone bank team to make calls to voters in the final hours: https://t.co/3ivX8Zgzdu


RT @christinawilkie: Q: What proof do you have that ppl will illegally vote? Trump: "Just take a look, all you've got to do is go around, look at what's happened over the years and you'll see. My opinion and based on proof." Total ballots cast in 2016: 135,000,000 Incidents of voter fraud: 4


Go Lucy Go!! https://t.co/FvkaLX10mY


RT @LucyWins2018: I never planned to run for office. After my son Jordan was shot and killed, my life completely changed. This is my story -- please share it far and wide, and join me on this journey. -- With Love, Lucy https://t.co/f5Ej8fKQxO


RT @ErikaAndiola: Yes ladies and gentlemen... a day before the election. Trump administration just asked the Supreme Court to try and end #DACA asap. Please please vote to #ProtectDreamers. The stakes are so high! https://t.co/Ibfz5PAbxo


RT @MarkRuffalo: Tomorrow will define us for generations to come. We need to get out the #vote for representatives like @betoorourke, who stands with #AllPeople, no matter what: https://t.co/6HR2oOybnk https://t.co/AXs2dD9OAa


RT @Sethrogen: Vote tomorrow please!


RT @ChristopOConnor: ""Last month, Truitt spent eight days in jail, including his 39th birthday, for missing court appearances related to a 2017 fishing conviction." https://t.co/55NNEIE0Vz


RT @staceyabrams: "Why do I need to knock on doors?" Because knocking on doors is how we turn out our voters. Knocking on doors is how we win. https://t.co/ycUcy0ZVkk #gapol https://t.co/I1FiayPC6p


RT @kai_newkirk: It's the last day to talk to friends to make sure they have a plan to vote tomorrow. Don't wake up Wed wishing you'd done more. Wake up knowing you did your part. One of the easiest ways to help is to text friends in swing districts w/ the #VoteWithMe app: https://t.co/M2npfTbi6Y https://t.co/8gPJxwZsj0


RT @theappeal: Chicago activists are trying to pull off a feat that has been unthinkable for the last two decades: getting a sitting criminal court judge removed from the bench in his re-election campaign, for being too “tough on crime,” when he faces no challengers. https://t.co/ig9bsBzXbW


RT @AlecMacGillis: Stunning. An estimated ONE in THREE black men are barred from voting in Kentucky, the highest rate in the country. Wild guess which veteran Kentucky politician has been a staunch defender of the state’s disenfranchisement law. https://t.co/mTaV45kcax


RT @ryanstruyk: President Trump has the *worst pre-election approval rating in modern history* immediately before his first midterm election via new @CNN poll and Gallup trend: W Bush 63% Eisenhower 61% Kennedy 61% Nixon 58% HW Bush 58% Carter 49% Obama 46% Clinton 46% Reagan 43% Trump 39%


RT @shaunking: Tomorrow the most important victory that will likely be overshadowed is that Prop 4 is going to pass in Florida with a strong bi-partisan majority of voter support and the voting rights over 1.4 million will be restored. It will change Florida & the nation forever.


RT @shaunking: Tomorrow we are going to see a pendulum swing in Congress as Democrats take back the House by a 12-15 seat majority. Many career politicians will be unseated. The main story here will be that women, particularly women of color, will shatter glass ceilings all day long.


RT @shaunking: We will have many huge stories tomorrow, but one of the biggest will be win @StaceyAbrams becomes the first Black woman to be elected governor in the entire history of this nation. It will be VERY close, but turnout will be HUGE tomorrow and she's going to win.


RT @shaunking: I think from morning until night in Florida that people are going to turn out for @AndrewGillum all over the state. Florida loves Andrew and is ready to repudiate Trump. It's going to take all hands on deck, and every single vote, but Andrew is going to make history tomorrow.


RT @shaunking: I think turnout tomorrow, just like early voting turnout, is going to break all mid-term records. I think @BetoORourke is going to shock the world, prove polls wrong, and pull out a win tomorrow in Texas.


RT @shaunking: So many people have asked me how I feel about tomorrow, so I am going to keep it all the way real with you. I am really fucking nervous. I feel GREAT about our turnout, but we have so much at stake in so many races, in so many places. Here's what I think will happen...


RT @sturdyAlex: I genuinely thought my TV was on the frizz. But everyone behind him looked vaguely human. So I looked up the clip online. And it turns out Trump really is that shade of fluorescent orange now. https://t.co/zzbj4B1yX2


RT @MikeDelMoro: NBC News: 35,526,881 votes counted as early or absentee as of Nov. 5th, far exceeding 2014 count one day out. Party affiliation: https://t.co/IlInys91MO


RT @brianschatz: America is on the ballot.


RT @AndrewGillum: This election could be the difference between dreams and nightmares. https://t.co/35NuWBq1BQ


@evanasmith I believe it


RT @JuddLegum: Trump asked for proof that people are intending to vote illegally. "All you have to do is go around and take a look at what's happened over the years and you will see." That's his proof. https://t.co/hE23lNogIv


RT @MMFlint: MICHIGAN. WISCONSIN. PENNSYLVANIA. OHIO. 4 Great Lakes states that Obama won twice. 4 states that put Trump in the White House. Tomorrow, these 4 states are on the verge of turning blue! We can win the Governor's seat in all 4! A huge rebuke & nightmare for Trump! Let’s do it!


RT @patrickmwilson: A candidate for Chesterfield prosecutor wants to scale back the Drug War and stop treating addiction as a crime (Via RTD) https://t.co/UQ3rvPZWqB


RT @theappeal: Elected law enforcement officials––prosecutors and sheriffs––play an outsize role in the administration of everyday criminal justice, and electing a progressive prosecutor or sheriff can be the most important step voters can take to end mass incarceration. https://t.co/4GP89VhmJb


RT @GlennThrush: In Alabama -- in the present -- a poor 39-year-old man was jailed for 8 days because he didn't pay fines/court costs BECAUSE HE WAS FISHING TO FEED HIS FAMILY. https://t.co/WxOnUYBq7X


Minneapolis!!! You HAVE to vote in @Haase4Hennepin as your new County Attorney. On Day 1 he's going to change your justice system from the inside out. You can do this. https://t.co/r8MHZRjV67


RT @RAICESTEXAS: We agree. This racism has no place on TV and online, and @NBCNews we'd happily use this money to bolster our efforts to provide legal services to immigrants. Remember this: Children in immigration proceedings don't have a right to court appointed counsel. https://t.co/1UJRPib0Qm


RT @Tony4WI: It all comes down to tomorrow. Ignore the polls, ignore the predictions — there’s too much at stake to sit this one out. Get out and vote! https://t.co/0LIuQoRZzU


RT @RFKHumanRights: In Alabama, Terrance Truitt has been jailed repeatedly over court debt for fishing to feed his family. We MUST break this cycle of criminalizing poverty. Thank you @theappeal & @AlaAppleseed for your imperative work. https://t.co/9c4cBwFNZN


RT @justiceforyouth: Moving Teens Off Rikers Island Was a Good First Step. Now Comes the Hard Part. https://t.co/R91jdBLt3N via @theappeal


RT @RaceNYU: Take a look at this excellent map produced by @theappeal documenting the 'politics of criminal justice reform' in various counties throughout the states. All will be on the ballot tomorrow. #Vote https://t.co/QQpE5UsIQO


@rklau Wow


Are you standing with @StaceyAbrams?? I am! She needs to be the next Governor of Georgia! Make a photo like the one I have here now and show your support by clicking the link below. https://t.co/NB47JFnVp6 https://t.co/3L2B7gdQpf


Tomorrow is going to be the day when Wisconsin chooses to dump Scott Walker and elect @Tony4WI & @TheOtherMandela as the new Governor & Lt. Governor. Both are genuine, compassionate, visionaries. I cannot wait for this to happen. Turnout needs to be huge though.


RT @Public_Citizen: AK AR CA CO CT GA HI ID IL IN KS LA ME MD MA MI MN MO MT NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TX UT VT WA WV and WI allow people with a past felony conviction to vote. Tomorrow, Florida can join them — restoring voting rights to 1.4 million people. #YesOn4 #LetMyPeopleVote https://t.co/ANCPnMsjXg


If turnout is low tomorrow in 8-10 states that haven't gotten a ton of attention I think a few bad outcomes are very possible. 1. I think Republicans could widen their lead in the Senate by 2-4 votes. 2. Republicans could win a few governorships in states where Dems could've won


Tomorrow the most important victory that will likely be overshadowed is that Prop 4 is going to pass in Florida with a strong bi-partisan majority of voter support and the voting rights over 1.4 million will be restored. It will change Florida & the nation forever.


Tomorrow we are going to see a pendulum swing in Congress as Democrats take back the House by a 12-15 seat majority. Many career politicians will be unseated. The main story here will be that women, particularly women of color, will shatter glass ceilings all day long.


We will have many huge stories tomorrow, but one of the biggest will be win @StaceyAbrams becomes the first Black woman to be elected governor in the entire history of this nation. It will be VERY close, but turnout will be HUGE tomorrow and she's going to win.


I think from morning until night in Florida that people are going to turn out for @AndrewGillum all over the state. Florida loves Andrew and is ready to repudiate Trump. It's going to take all hands on deck, and every single vote, but Andrew is going to make history tomorrow.


I think turnout tomorrow, just like early voting turnout, is going to break all mid-term records. I think @BetoORourke is going to shock the world, prove polls wrong, and pull out a win tomorrow in Texas.


So many people have asked me how I feel about tomorrow, so I am going to keep it all the way real with you. I am really fucking nervous. I feel GREAT about our turnout, but we have so much at stake in so many races, in so many places. Here's what I think will happen...


RT @innocence: BREAKING NEWS: After more than 14 years behind bars—including 10 years on Florida’s death row—Clemente Aguirre-Jarquin was just exonerated of all charges in the 2004 murders of his former neighbors. https://t.co/64oELedXP3


@Eugene_Scott @KimberlyNFoster Absolutely.


RT @KimberlyNFoster: I just heard Ron DeSantis at a rally with Trump tell DJT that he can't wait to become governor and bring the Trump Organization to Palm Beach. WHY ARE WE ALLOWING THIS CORRUPTION?


RT @CharlesBadger: This keeps happening in black, Latinx, & low-income neighborhoods. I've heard several reports from friends this cycle... https://t.co/1JcRMSP5Qy


RT @AnandWrites: Tomorrow isn’t just an important election. It’s a referendum on the nature of the American soul.


@BrentNYT @carolynryan @nytimesbooks Love this!


RT @mehdirhasan: "U.S. Elections Are Neither Free Nor Fair. States Need to Open Their Doors to More Observers." - my latest for @theintercept, ahead of Tuesday's midterms and in the wake of the latest revelations of voter suppression and partisanship by the Republicans: https://t.co/gyj9UeZ5up


RT @Ocasio2018: .@staceyabrams inspires me - her strength, her tenacity, her intelligence, her grace, her values. The plain truth is she runs circles around her opponent. And that’s why they are shamelessly trying to deny people the right vote instead of encouraging it. https://t.co/rDIjGNCQIr


RT @Dreamdefenders: One day out y’all!! https://t.co/oJOg7NOjYn


@jackmjenkins @jeanninehunter @HURankin Was a Senior Pastor for years


RT @theappeal: In 2016, 2017, & 2018 incarcerated people staged 3 hunger strikes to protest conditions in the Santa Clara County jails. More than a dozen suicides have occurred in the jails since 2011. Now voters will decide if Sheriff Laurie Smith deserves a sixth term. https://t.co/XEkFfX2ZmP


RT @Taniel: One of my personal favorite under-radar elections: the race to be the DA of Oklahoma's Payne & Logan counties. Why? Laura Austin Thomas & @WilliamsforOK have such different visions of prosecution, it's quite the showcase of why DA elections would matter. https://t.co/IQDVRHemlE


RT @RoKhanna: The Administration cites Yemen as a justification for sanctioning Iran. Yet they are supporting, not sanctioning, the Saudis, who are bombing civilians and ports in Yemen with 12 million facing famine. The hypocrisy is a shock to the world’s conscience. https://t.co/FlXntTbXkp


VERY frustrating as people had to wait over 3 hours to vote in Miami yesterday. And they ran out of ballots. https://t.co/s2JJuOStnV


RT @theappeal: Maranda couldn’t pay $2,500 bail for driving without a license. After a 60-second hearing she spent 2 days in jail. A federal judge found Harris County’s bail system was unconstitutional—but county judges fought the ruling. Now they're seeking re-election. https://t.co/YUhivr8uPg


RT @ZackMalitz: We’re closing in on the end of the day, and Team @BetoORourke has knocked on over 227,000 doors – our largest ever day of block walking. Tomorrow and Tuesday have to be huge. Sign up at https://t.co/OoPWCTM5Oi


RT @DrRJKavanagh: How Alabama’s Fines and Fees System Preys On The Poor https://t.co/jJJzHxIuWb


RT @EllisonCampaign: "Keith is all about justice – economic justice, racial justice, social justice, environmental justice – and most importantly, Keith is about bringing all of us together." I'm proud to have the support of my friend, and tireless fighter for justice, @BernieSanders. #MNAG https://t.co/pbzkAuHL1s


RT @JovankaBeckles: Good healthcare, housing & education should be guaranteed for everyone. California has the resources we need to make it happen — what we lack is the political will to put people over profit. That's why I'm running. Together we can create a California for the many, not the few. https://t.co/LLOg5COEgQ


RT @theappeal: Under Sheriff Donnie Harrison leadership Black residents have consistently born the brunt of aggressive policing. Though Black people are just over a fifth of the population in Wake County, NC, they account for 55% of the use of force incidents since 2002. https://t.co/wcLbc2PFy7


RT @AndrewGillum: My request is very simple: if we vote, we win. 1 day to #BringItHome. https://t.co/PZviQxT85k


RT @staceyabrams: We cannot tweet our way to victory in 3 days. But what can get us this election is you knocking on doors, making phone calls, and finding the voters we need to win. Don't wish you could've done more the morning after Election Day – do more right now: https://t.co/NfiG5dXAZZ https://t.co/4txf402xx7




RT @MaddowBlog: If the Democrats win control of the House in 2018, they will also win control of the House committees. And if you think that's just boring bureaucratic stuff, you should think again. Watch: https://t.co/C51m6tFrzM


RT @MikeLupica: The guy who murdered 11 people at a synagogue, and the guy who sent the mail bombs, and the guy who shot up a yoga studio in Tallahassee -- which Mexican gang and which caravan were they from?


RT @kylegriffin1: Justin Levitt, a professor at Loyola Law School and ex-DOJ official who has been studying the issue for years, said he found just 45 credible cases of voter impersonation between 2000 and 2018, a period during which more than a billion votes were cast. https://t.co/J1meENVtzH


domingo, 4 de novembro de 2018

RT @shaunking: Are you following @TheAppeal? If not, you should. I sincerely think it's the best platform in the country for quality journalism on criminal justice reform. The editors, the writers, the researchers - are some of the best in the business.


RT @KarenAttiah: Something that has gone under-reported in #Khashoggi affair: Next week, Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s charity (@MiskGlobalForum) will be holding its conference in Riyadh. 100+ speakers and 50+ international partners expected, but no names listed. https://t.co/COwzPdmgsm


RT @BetoORourke: On the road to all 254 counties of Texas. No one written off. No one taken for granted. Watch our new ad featuring Willie Nelson and RT to share. https://t.co/dIVtVqF8ZK


RT @NameeNotFound: I've seen a lot of wrongful imprisonment stories lately and you wanna know what they all have in common? Can you guess? https://t.co/BvspiY64BX


RT @WagsPhoto: Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Texas, @BetoORourke, to about 5,000 supporters at his rally this afternoon in Austin: “Over the next 54 hours I’m asking you to give me every waking moment of your life.” #OnAssignment https://t.co/6ZZq7yPdN9


RT @Nate_Cohn: Across nearly 49k interviews we've done so far, the current result is... Democrats 44.7 Republicans 44.6


RT @RonBrownstein: Final NBC WSJ also shows Dems running exactly 20 points better w/ college (56%) than non-col whites (36%). Unprecedented gap. Get ready for two America’s to deliver virtually opposite verdicts on Trump & GOP if this proves correct on Tuesday https://t.co/g1jyhlDH2U


RT @theappeal: Rhonda Mitchell was released from prison and works two jobs in Montgomery, AL. But she can’t drive to work because there’s a Failure to Appear warrant for her arrest from more than a decade ago for a traffic ticket. “The system is set up for you to fail." https://t.co/NDJsmNlfNC https://t.co/x4zCZe9tWO


RT @shaunking: Florida! If you're in line, stay in line! https://t.co/frYZpLKHos


RT @NYDailyNews: Twitter removes more than 10,000 bots that posed as Democrats, discouraged voting https://t.co/83qX8r1bB8 https://t.co/cuvcAxY7Kg


RT @AdamSerwer: If Dems pull out unexpected victories or really close results in red states Republicans are absolutely going to respond with new voting restrictions wherever possible


RT @BernieSanders: Trump is getting very, very nervous because he knows with your help on November 6th, @AndrewGillum is going to be elected the next governor of Florida. https://t.co/WqNgJfFL3E


RT @staceyabrams: The momentum is on our side, but this race is far from won. If our voters don’t show up on Tuesday, we lose. If we all step up right now to #GOTV, we win. Sign up to knock on doors and give every Georgia voter a reason to show up at the polls on 11/6: https://t.co/ycUcy0ZVkk https://t.co/t1MtG7ay59


RT @mjs_DC: Absolute must-read from @rickhasen on Brian Kemp’s stunning, appalling abuse of power today: https://t.co/0FITdvE15G @Slate


RT @AriBerman: GA Dems exposed huge security flaws in state election system But instead of fixing it Brian Kemp said he was investigating GA Dems @rickhasen calls it "most outrageous example of election administration partisanship in modern era" https://t.co/qRP8wAERhk


RT @onekade: Far be it from saving lives, prosecutors are killing people in their heartless, foolish war on drugs. End drug criminalization now. https://t.co/QdINZwrNot


RT @theappeal: Election day will represent the culmination of a lengthy shake-up in what has historically been an unchanging conservative landscape surrounding the Jefferson County DA’s office. This comes at a critical time for criminal justice reform efforts in Alabama. https://t.co/K6BL6zvAdq


Florida! If you're in line, stay in line! https://t.co/frYZpLKHos


RT @ethanbrown72: 36 year-old Marshall Miles died of an apparent heart attack after being held by the Sacramento Co Sheriff's Office. Miles had been booked for behaving erratically and public intoxication. "Why is it that black men continue to die in custody in Sacramento?" https://t.co/ZFhkLFO6T8


RT @JuddLegum: Counter-point: This poll does not exist https://t.co/sw8cDhFEmy


RT @CatsCommentary: Please vote Cat Brooks #1 and @PPriceCares #2 With ranked choice voting we can win this. #CatBrooksForOakland


RT @BenJealous: https://t.co/vCK0Hrk4tg


RT @theappeal: In Alabama, Black people are 4 times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana possession. https://t.co/NCsuPTO2vz by @georgejoseph94


RT @rihanna: FLORIDA: You have the opportunity to make history this election. Let’s #bringithome. Vote @andrewgillum. And VOTE YES on Amendment 4 to restore voting rights to folks who have already paid their debt to society. VOTE on November 6th! https://t.co/ApH5hN7anc https://t.co/Kpxz9XleYZ


RT @ninaturner: Oooooooooweee Florida! #BringItHome for @AndrewGillum #SoulsToThePolls Baby!! https://t.co/1iVauQBqNr


RT @Rollins4DA: I'm running for Suffolk County DA because the criminal justice system doesn't work the same for everyone. There's a very large group of people that it treats disparately & those people are poor. I want the system to work fairly for everyone. Please vote November 6th. https://t.co/pSmE5EcKp0


RT @BenJealous: https://t.co/Q1Mx5QkK3C


RT @staceyabrams: Canvassing is not just about knocking doors – it's about giving people a reason to show up on Tuesday. The more doors you knock, the more calls you make, the more voters show up to vote on Election Day. Help us turn out the voters we need to win: https://t.co/ycUcy0ZVkk #gapol https://t.co/7aRWff9xxE


RT @NationalNurses: South Florida nurses are joining the community to get #SoulsToThePolls! 🗳 Vote YES on #Amendment4 because we need voting rights for all. 🗳 Vote for @AndrewGillum because we need a governor who will support #MedicareForAll Great to see Reverend Al Sharpton fired up! https://t.co/iEN3mIo45H


RT @AndrewGillum: Let’s do this, y’all! We’ve got to keep it going and #VoteItForward. Get out and vote early or on November 6, tag 5 friends, and make sure they do the same. Let’s #BringItHome, Florida. https://t.co/1i8gWd8nwM


RT @kevinroose: This post accusing Cesar Sayoc of being a false flag operative has almost 78,000 shares. For scale, the NYT's most shared FB post of the last month got 50,000 shares. https://t.co/CVGmkDxlSm


RT @RaceNYU: Be informed! The outcome of Tuesday's election will have an impact on ALL marginalized groups, but the stakes are especially high for immigrants in these counties identified by @theappeal . https://t.co/Ibb2xevwEb


RT @AriBerman: Florida: today is last day to vote early. This election you can restore voting rights to 1.4 million people, including 500,000 African Americans, the largest enfranchisement of new voters since Voting Rights Act of 1965 https://t.co/HP1dYMPZov


RT @Tony4WI: Wisconsin faces a big choice this election — four more years of a governor who puts politics over people, or a governor who will do what’s best for us. It’s time for a change and I humbly ask for your vote on November 6th. https://t.co/6jpRf75gNF


RT @NationalNurses: Florida nurses are out in force to make sure everyone votes in the #MidtermElections2018.💪🏽 #Nurses joined the Florida March for Black Women & are out statewide to elect @AndrewGillum for governor, pass #Amendment4 & talk about the need for #MedicareForAll. Let’s #BringItHome! https://t.co/Tv2CaITe9X


RT @staceyabrams: Only 2 days left until Election Day. 2 days left to knock on every door and make sure everyone has a plan to vote. 2 days to leave it all on the field and build a better Georgia where every voice is heard. How will you help us win in 2 days? https://t.co/ycUcy0ZVkk #gapol https://t.co/JRl3J5OrPp


RT @HowardUChapel: @shaunking stands in the pulpit of @howarduchapel of @HowardU this Sunday! #SundaysAreForChapel #FaithServiceJustice https://t.co/pmrT9xMYxX


RT @tbonier: To those suggesting the % increases in youth vote are misleading, try this stat: In 2014 at this point in early voting, voters over the age of 65 outnumbered voters under the age of 30 by a 9 to 1 margin. As of today, that has been cut to a 5 to 1 margin.


DC!! This morning I’ll be speaking @HowardU and would love to see you. https://t.co/11G2O1c8mj


RT @RealJusticePAC: Minneapolis you have the opportunity to set your criminal justice system on the path to reform. On Tuesday make sure to cast your vote for @Haase4Hennepin for County Attorney.


RT @theappeal: Republican misdemeanor judges in Houston have clung to an unconstitutional bail system and they are now seeking re-election. “People are stuck in jail and pleading [guilty] just because they can’t afford it. That’s not how it should work.” https://t.co/YUhivrq5GO by @mauraewing


RT @BenJealous: https://t.co/2dL3gXPdtN


RT @NBCNews: Rep. John Lewis encourages voting at Georgia rally: "I gave a little blood on that bridge in Selma, 53 years ago...I'm not asking any of you to give any blood. I'm just asking you to go and vote." https://t.co/4yDz3Cvwa8


RT @BetoORourke: Let's go knock on doors! Find a block walk near you at https://t.co/mq38xJAfHJ https://t.co/rM3OEXDb4f


Florida you got this!! Find your polling location here or early vote today: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz https://t.co/vXelBZaesY


The stories of the refugee caravan have been harrowing. I’m glad that we now all have a way to help get these families to safety in Mexico City. Pls give what you can. Every dollar raised will go to getting families on buses. https://t.co/GtXiFBGStN


RT @SistahScholar: This is complete and utter bullshit. Over a decade ago the FBI released a report warning that police departments all across the country had themselves been infiltrated by White Supremacists. They CHOSE to do nothing about it. Today they continue to make that same choice. https://t.co/OUO1n8MDFU


So far we have 107,924 of you on board! On November 15th, we are launching the next phase of rebuilding The North Star. We’re building a launch team between now and then and want YOU to join us. Click the link in my bio or go directly to https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW https://t.co/kvxIEwGTvz


RT @soledadobrien: Umm... why is this a tight race? https://t.co/jLQPpbmuez


RT @ava: “Three years ago, Ms. Gund went to see Ava DuVernay’s ‘13th.’ She was so disturbed by its message that she removed her prized painting by Roy Lichtenstein from her wall, sold it for $165 million and started the ART FOR JUSTICE fund.” Agnes Gund is a hero. https://t.co/hu87LgYEed


RT @TheBlackSchlr: A real picture of Harriet Tubman in full color https://t.co/qnQDN0dICi


@ava @nytpolitics Right. WTH


RT @leahmcelrath: Staff dressed up as “Mexicans” and others as a “wall” on which it said “Make America Great Again” at an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Idaho. Superintendent said there was not “malicious intent.” h/t @aurabogado https://t.co/gDhfOecu7K https://t.co/SyGQ2a9Lfg


RT @AsteadWesley: "Monkey this up" pt. 2: At Ron DeSantis rally, AG Secretary Perdue says Florida gov race is so "cotton-pickin important." https://t.co/BZyU3091ZZ


RT @kylegriffin1: During a rally for Ron DeSantis, Trump Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue used the term "cotton-pickin'" to describe the importance of Florida's gubernatorial race. DeSanits's opponent Andrew Gillum is running to be Florida's first black governor. https://t.co/NMjkiKbg9I


RT @verainstitute: In AL, people convicted of minor crimes are often slapped with large court debts. 1 in 5 people whose debt originated with a broken tail light committed more serious crimes to pay their debt. The result is a cycle of poverty worsened by the justice system. https://t.co/9ToKqUu5K7


RT @verainstitute: Last month, NY moved 16 year olds out of Rikers and ended the practice of trying them as adults in court. The law intends to shield youth from the horrors of the adult justice system, but now comes the hard part—building a culture of restorative justice. https://t.co/n0tecKyF97


RT @shaunking: Are you following @TheAppeal? If not, you should. I sincerely think it's the best platform in the country for quality journalism on criminal justice reform. The editors, the writers, the researchers - are some of the best in the business.


RT @daviddoel: Love what @shaunking and @BenjaminPDixon are building here. Sign up for The North Star! https://t.co/YXjvsPdIIs


RT @shaunking: No. No you’re not. https://t.co/TO49umghQ0


RT @WTOP: Alexandria police were called to a bomb threat at the Alfred Street Baptist Church, closing off South Patrick Street between Prince and Wilkes streets. https://t.co/ol6JAXCJp8


RT @pivotlegal: "Today, friends, family members, and as in Smith’s case, romantic partners of the overdose victim are all potential targets, effectively stretching the definition of a dealer beyond recognition." https://t.co/LyhxGOYxLv


RT @JuddLegum: "Texas hunters who accidentally shot each other blamed undocumented immigrants, police reveal" https://t.co/0xBMnIycSt


DC! I’ll be speaking @HowardU tomorrow at 11am. Would love to see you there. https://t.co/GKAAefeMHL


RT @theintercept: “We got people with a DUI in ’97 who still can’t vote.” https://t.co/i3txf1No0t


RT @theintercept: If the amendment passes, it will enfranchise the largest number of people at once since American women won the right to vote in 1920. https://t.co/x9LEKkSpch


RT @rjhaskins86: “You finish your jail sentence, your prison sentence, your probation. But at the end of the day there’s something to hold you back. It was 26 years ago. I’ve done my time. I’ve done everything that was required. I’m still not supposed to be able to vote?” https://t.co/nOuEQA7Ot1


RT @adv_project: Florida's Amendment 4 would restore voting rights to 1.4 million people https://t.co/ZdmJUqLPso by @alicesperi #YesOn4 #LetMyPeopleVote


RT @CleverTitleTK: Pssst! Mr. President! These are the real threats. https://t.co/6lVHz1nTa9


RT @ciccmaher: Racism & misogyny, hand in hand. https://t.co/ciBckdJYhv


RT @MaraGay: Whoa https://t.co/9HkChHGSd5


@kmorrisjr We are so honored. Let’s keep on pushing.


RT @kmorrisjr: .@shaunking Congrats! It’s very humbling to know that my great ancestor’s life, legacy and words still resonate with so many today. This initiative is very timely. I can’t wait to see where all of this is headed and how many lives will be impacted. In Freedom! #FrederickDouglass https://t.co/qzcBCIVLkM


RT @dabeard: An attempt to relaunch The North Star, Frederick Douglass's historic publication against racism, has gained more than 100,000 supporters in 2 days, says organizers @shaunking & @BenjaminPDixon. https://t.co/lNPSKis7a8 https://t.co/knaXoRtHG2


RT @JessedHagopian: A Latino & a Black kid were handcuffed by a Kentucky sheriff “both of whom have disabilities, & were so small the deputy sheriff locked the handcuffs around the children’s biceps.” Outrageously, 1.7 million kids go to a school with a cop & no counselor. https://t.co/OqdmlXeCKd


RT @HumanistReport: This is amazing news! The extent to which this is needed can't be overstated! Big ups to @shaunking and @BenjaminPDixon here! 🙌 https://t.co/lnwstzPpig


RT @juliacraven: I wrote about @AndrewGillum, how his politics are rooted in lessons learned from his grandmother, why people adore him & how he's black in a way that is commonplace in real life but basically nonexistent in high-level American politics. #FLGov https://t.co/Tmszjc088J


sábado, 3 de novembro de 2018

RT @QHollingsworth9: The North Star was created by abolitionist to guide this nation toward freedom. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/r2iVAwfu4p


RT @PoweroftheT: this is so exciting! Wow!!! 92,589 of you have signed up since Thursday to help us rebuild The North Star - the abolitionist newspaper that was first started 171 years ago! Our goal is to get to 100,000 people TODAY! Join @ https://t.co/k01RM0k1JR! https://t.co/dPX5851a3R


RT @KeKaOGoddess: Go and sign up! #TheNorthStar https://t.co/Tj7iYDuoN7


RT @Kwatrekwa: Join the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/VKTIxPb29K


RT @onekade: Far be it from saving lives, prosecutors are killing people in their heartless, foolish war on drugs. End drug criminalization now. https://t.co/QdINZwrNot


RT @SikhFeminist: Fellow Floridians: 20 years under GOP rule has ruined us & stifled progress. We need smarter policies on climate change, better & more affordable healthcare, stronger civil rights laws (FL has one of the weakest & most under-enforced state anti-discrimination laws). #BringItHome https://t.co/bQGUS1gugZ


RT @RobertJPeters: We must build power to bend institutions towards justice. That power is not built on paper but through people and money. If we want to save the 14th Amendment (or win change) we must win power (to control these institutions) instead of arguing over “constitutionality.”


Wow!!! 92,589 of you have signed up since Thursday to help us rebuild The North Star - the abolitionist newspaper that was first started 171 years ago! Our goal is to get to 100,000 people TODAY! Join us now @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW! https://t.co/aJsiB2qeqr


RT @Nelba_MG: If everyone who ever told me they grieve for me after Newtown- voted out the same * —— * who did nothing & allowed it to happen again in Parkland and every loss in between- we’d change the world on Tuesday. Change the world on Tuesday. #VOTE #icallbs https://t.co/WG6mCnXNHw


Personal asks are the most powerful. Get your family and roommates out, make sure they know where, how, and when to vote. Social media posts are good but personal calls and texts are better. You can find your early vote and polling locations here: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz


Young people have the power to COMPLETELY change the game. The election on Tuesday is one of the most important of our lifetime. Make sure you and everyone you know get out to vote early or on Tuesday: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz https://t.co/C2X23HwQ3Q


RT @KamauRashid: Israel Forcibly Injected African Immigrants with Birth Control, Report Claims via @forbes https://t.co/BoMKqV9EFS


RT @staceyabrams: Our victory is in the air, Georgia. Now, it's time to go out and claim it. Make a plan to vote this Tues, Nov. 6th. Bring your friends, family, & neighbors with you. It's time to tell everyone we know—and everyone we don't know—to get out and VOTE: https://t.co/NfiG5dXAZZ #gapol https://t.co/cgjr0WGumS


RT @dabeard: With the blessing & permission of the family of Frederick Douglass, @shaunking and @BenjaminPDixon are re-starting The North Star, Douglass's pioneering newspaper that was dedicated to the end of slavery and racism. https://t.co/CzUfCUQXXO Join the team at https://t.co/6iZvfnxcXM


RT @BetoORourke: Abish is block walking for our campaign this weekend! Join her by finding a canvass at https://t.co/ZisziWzKB9 https://t.co/SStCd4xyli


RT @NadegeGreen: If Amendment 4 passes in Florida it will automatically restore the right to vote for former felons. Currently, there's 1.5 million Floridians who can't vote because of a felony. I talked to some of the people this will directly impact. https://t.co/JI1X9tT4FV (THREAD)


RT @tere_schaefer: Proud to be part of the launch of this crucial endeavor! 171 years ago The North Star was created by abolitionists to guide this nation toward freedom. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/88MlPq5gg1. Join it with me!


RT @kcvinweho: This is needed now more than ever - the revival of a historic news outlet started by the great Frederick Douglass to promote freedom & justice. I just joined the team to rebuild it - join with me @ https://t.co/p4aPpIf90T! https://t.co/uZA0NhDemA


RT @heikeVfleischer: They say new technologies are the future. I disagree. The North Star could be our future. A future of hope, truth and abolitionists making #realchanges! https://t.co/Px5yIyqNgr


RT @shaunking: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: 171 years after Frederick Douglass started The North Star, @BenjaminPDixon and I, with the permission & blessing from the family of Frederick Douglass, are rebuilding it for this generation. Click to read my full announcement here. https://t.co/8ru9rkKYZx


RT @joshfoxfilm: Amazing turnout. Shameful polling place. Stay in line! Then change the system!! https://t.co/GPXfMVSY8T


RT @KarenAttiah: Dear @Twitter and @Jack: Given that Saud Al-Qahtani (@saudq1978) used Twitter to target people like #Khashoggi (who was murdered last month) and has been implicated in his brutal killing, his Twitter account should be SUSPENDED. NOW. https://t.co/L8cnBIjpLE via @WSJ


@ShaunaBarrySco3 @AndrewGillum Yes!!! Thank you and keep pushing.


RT @bbond: Huge news. @RealJusticePAC endorsed @Haase4Hennepin is in a dead heat with incumbent Mike Freeman. This could be the biggest prosecutor upset on Nov. 6 if you can chip in and help us hire more organizers for the final sprint: https://t.co/dVk6a35htU https://t.co/SIYXSRRBMA


RT @teamabrams: .@2chainz KNOWS those lines to vote early are long – he was out there earlier. Now, he’s waiting for @staceyabrams and President @BarackObama to take the stage, but he needs YOU to stay in line! This is too important. Cast your ballot TONIGHT. #2chainz #ForTheCulture #gapol https://t.co/ynrNF4U3E9


You have a choice for governor between one person who is politically driven to ignore scientists and one who will lead the biggest investment in renewable energy that your state has ever seen. Make sure you get out and vote for @AndrewGillum this weekend: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz


Florida: you have more to lose to climate change than most states. Sea levels are rising, hurricanes are increasing in strength + frequency, red-tide is becoming worse.


RT @shaunking: Florida you can crack 200%, I believe in you! Vote early this weekend and bring a friend or three: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz https://t.co/e9ShEaxjg4


RT @MichaelSkolnik: Stop telling young people that they are not going to vote. They have already turned out in record numbers during early voting. And on Tuesday they will show up! Support them. Inspire them. Encourage them. Appreciate them. Thank them. Respect them. Vote with them.


RT @JimLaPorta: #BREAKING new this morning at @Newsweek - The deployment of U.S. troops to the southern border took the #Pentagon by surprise leaving senior officers believing the directive was a politically motivated waste of money #Migrants #Caravan #Trump #Military https://t.co/BjaFbh4O0q


sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2018

RT @tbonier: Georgia early vote: 56.1% women 43.9% men


RT @PoliticsReid: Turnout among 18-29 year olds, compared to 2014 early voting: - AZ +217% - FL +131% - GA +415% (!!!) - MI +128% - NV +364% - TN +767% (!!!) - TX +448% (!!!) Data h/t: @targetsmart & @tbonier https://t.co/58E7PHqobF


RT @champagneprabhi: Literally was at the shooting scene in Dartmouth College bro I was so scared


RT @chelseaperetti: Vote like a bunch of school children were shot and a bunch of other children were put into camps indefinitely bc they werent white and like a journalist was murdered and like you are being lied to daily by rich liars who harass / assault women & wont renounce white supremacy


No. No you’re not. https://t.co/TO49umghQ0


RT @carterforva: Yeah, that's called a concentration camp. https://t.co/uyTXY3O17f


RT @NBCNews: Children traveling in a migrant caravan toward the U.S. stopped at the Mexican town of Juchitan on Wednesday, where they got a rare opportunity for some play time. https://t.co/tfyTaYr1HY


RT @Maria_Hinojosa: This president is lying everyday about immigrants and immigration policy. It is the job of journalists to call out the TRUTH and NOT to parrot lies. This is an URGENT CALL to my fellow American journalists. Do not repeat LIES.


RT @paolamendoza: After 18 hrs of travel, I have finally made it to Mexico and have connected with the caravan. I cannot even process yet what I have seen. So many kids. So many babies. So many mothers. Desperately seeking a better life and fleeing a lifetime of violence. Pls share their stories. https://t.co/4tN7pYvY5R


RT @paolamendoza: This was one of first images I saw when we met the caravan. By this point this woman had already walked 35 km in the blazing heat. 📸 @kishaBari https://t.co/P1rFe6cBx0


RT @paolamendoza: I asked her what what was the worst moment of the caravan for her. She responded immediately, “Walking without water.” Today marks 4 weeks this resilient woman has been walking. #RefugeeCaravan 📸 @KishaBari https://t.co/2vJYPdH7E3


RT @ErikaAndiola: When we crossed the border in 1998 I was 11 years old. My baby brother was 2. We were running from pain that many people in this country have never experienced. I am so thankful that she made that choice. I pray that these little ones can be safe. It takes compassion America. https://t.co/g9xYx4G1Re


RT @oaklandmagpie: This is an exciting and necessary endeavor. 171 years ago The North Star was created by abolitionists to guide this nation toward freedom. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/XmOqB19VbF. Join it with me! https://t.co/WguQFlWRWj


RT @HthrTylr: This is dope, and I’m supporting this! https://t.co/qlV7cylj6p


RT @ramsammy: Count me in @shaunking! https://t.co/lP1N2rGh5i


RT @adamcbest: NRA donations to GOP Senate candidates this cycle: Hawley, MO: $696K Blackburn, TN: $633K Morrisey, WV: $252K Braun, IN: $149K McSally, AZ: $118K Vukmir, WI: $86K Heller, NV: $46K Cruz, TX: $45K James, MI: $31K THIS is why Republicans don’t do anything to stop gun violence.


RT @ms_johnson137: 171 years ago The North Star was created by abolitionists to guide this nation toward freedom. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/4Wyvz0jziD. Join it with me! There’s strength in numbers 💪🏾


RT @MarkRuffalo: How I feel every time I see an “I voted” sticker. Let me see yours! https://t.co/KgtnT3SZ5Z


RT @RepBarbaraLee: The current federal minimum wage is a poverty wage. But @HouseGOP and the Trump Administration are so busy rigging the economy for billionaires, they can’t be bothered to help everyday working families. Our government should work #ForThePeople! https://t.co/62ppeUEUzy


RT @RepJudyChu: The America I know would send doctors, not soldiers. https://t.co/JJAovaPrbr


RT @JenniferJJacobs: Trump’s plan to dispatch 15,000 troops could run to at least $6.1 million a day in personnel costs, @rtiron estimates. https://t.co/FHEjZo4M5A


RT @jonfavs: @PodSaveAmerica @AdyBarkan Here’s Ady’s full piece, which is the most inspiring thing I’ve read this election: https://t.co/20rIbmXpgk


RT @TVietor08: Ady is a hero. You can be one too if you fight for what you believe in. https://t.co/5LPi9RlUSa


RT @shaunking: Are you following @TheAppeal? If not, you should. I sincerely think it's the best platform in the country for quality journalism on criminal justice reform. The editors, the writers, the researchers - are some of the best in the business.


RT @LilyAmaraPastor: "...a newspaper that represented the cause of liberation with urgency, clarity, heart and soul." That's why I signed up at https://t.co/PE5bo9c88I Our stories need to be told. Our voices need to be heard. This won't be the only necessary step, but I hope it's a significant one.


RT @shaunking: 🔥🔥🔥 Blown away by this!! An amazing 88,159 of you have signed up at https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW to help us rebuild the abolitionist paper that Frederick Douglass first started 171 years ago! Our goal is 100,000 people on our launch team and we need YOU! Almost to our goal!! https://t.co/RcUPJNA2ZZ


RT @johncusack: What a great idea ! https://t.co/5eknvYRl5W


RT @RBReich: .@RepJohnLewis: "I gave a little blood on that bridge in Selma. I almost died. Some of my friends and colleagues were murdered. I'm not asking any of you to give any blood. I'm just asking you to go and vote like you've never voted before." https://t.co/EzKlYxE3Nx


RT @YahooNews: FACT CHECK: The cop-killer featured in Trump's incendiary video blaming Democrats for his release was actually released by Joe Arpaio's office in 1998 and re-entered the country during the George W. Bush admin https://t.co/SXR9OuWQJB https://t.co/VUcbvEGjnw


RT @ChrisCuomo: Here is the real challenge: do trumpers care that it isn’t true? https://t.co/vdPNI9k4EC


RT @ktdayg: “While The North Star was originally a print newspaper, we will be launching a news app, a full news website, a collection of podcasts, and an online nightly news broadcast. We’re not just here to change the news — we aim to change the world.” https://t.co/gZ6i8tJkdm


RT @zachdcarter: some good news https://t.co/PyGziQpgNz


RT @JonathanCohn: I've unearthed a secret memo with the GOP's campaign strategy. https://t.co/sqcWqSiJMR


RT @espn: One way to describe Warriors basketball: "That's Globetrotter-ish" https://t.co/1KBa5g8xxY


🔥🔥🔥 Blown away by this!! An amazing 88,159 of you have signed up at https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW to help us rebuild the abolitionist paper that Frederick Douglass first started 171 years ago! Our goal is 100,000 people on our launch team and we need YOU! Almost to our goal!! https://t.co/RcUPJNA2ZZ


RT @kendrick38: I believe it’s last day to early vote in my home state Texas!! Get there!! Lines will be much longer on the 6th. Get friends, family & anyone who needs a ride!! Vote for @BetoORourke & finish your entire ballot. Bless y’all! 🙏🏽 Lets fight for a better Texas! Let’s be the change! https://t.co/kMriKPayRq


RT @BernieSanders: If people under 30 voted at the same percentage as the rest of the general population, they would transform America. You have extraordinary power to shape the history of this country. https://t.co/VMw8MA6kHR


RT @fred_guttenberg: 3 dead, including shooter, and 5 wounded at Florida yoga studio. I guess we need armed guards now at yoga studios. Actually, time to vote for those who want to deal with this problem. Time to vote as if your life depends on it. https://t.co/Of29irubl3


RT @YousefMunayyer: I just signed up and you should too. I'm excited to see where you go with this important project @shaunking! Good luck! https://t.co/YqBR40b3ic


RT @Jacob__Castillo: In 24 hours, we’ve accumulated almost 80,000 members! Please do your part and help journalist Shaun King rebuild The North Star, a progressive newspaper founded by abolitionist Frederick Douglass to create an America for everyone, one reader at a time. https://t.co/yNegKqY354


RT @BenjaminPDixon: I'm most excited about building the North Star platform to amplify other voices. Of course, @shaunking and I will be writing and putting out content, but I'm most excited about the talent we get to promote and the stories they will tell. Join us! https://t.co/X4OKRrr30q


RT @shaunking: 🔥🔥🔥 In just 24 hours, 80,411 of you signed up to help us rebuild The North Star as a place for liberation journalism. Our first goal is 100,000 people on our launch team. Join us NOW @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW. https://t.co/NBK77C9ker


RT @RepSwalwell: It’s been a month. Where is the body of #JamalKhashoggi?


RT @marceelias: BREAKING: After being alerted by the @dccc, Twitter removed thousands of fake accounts aimed at discouraging voting. https://t.co/eWpH7G1Im7


RT @JuddLegum: BREAKING: @ATT ends financial support for Steve King. (Previously the company said it would reevaluate in 2019). https://t.co/lVMw3cH8ih


RT @shaunking: Florida you can crack 200%, I believe in you! Vote early this weekend and bring a friend or three: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz https://t.co/e9ShEaxjg4


RT @BenJealous: Governor @LarryHogan says he’s not close to @realDonaldTrump. @LarryHogan also says @mike_pence is one of his “closest friends”.


RT @ACLU: BREAKING: The 11th Circuit just denied Brian Kemp’s request to block our court order requiring him to give voters due process before rejecting ballots over handwriting. Georgia's elections officials CANNOT throw out absentee ballots over signatures without due process.


RT @whatsnext: .@ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon are relaunching Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/pk8y9yGMi3 Join the launch team


RT @YongJungC: I joined the launch team and you should too! “We will be launching a news app, full news site, podcasts, and an online nightly news broadcast.” https://t.co/hRAwQCtaKU https://t.co/oJ5i4IuQkr


RT @HelpingKidsRise: Follow the North Star to freedom! Have you heard the news? There's an effort to rebuild the North Star, an abolitionist newspaper created by Frederick Douglass and Martin Delaney. . To learn more about this effort visit https://t.co/FrQUcJz7WF. We'll ma… https://t.co/7K8ZBeJgfZ https://t.co/CNtX1ianIO


RT @Frances_Fisher: We are https://t.co/pkSOiCIapt 🌟 Join Us! https://t.co/1SZPUXEZ6l


RT @MarieAnneIssa: Just signed up to #TheNorthStar and you should to. Go to https://t.co/bHQB04oIZO now. Thank you @BenjaminPDixon and @shaunking for this! 🙏🏼✊🏿✌🏾💪🏼❤️ https://t.co/mkjvfT7maH


RT @clay_darryl: It’s time to do our part and help @shaunking and @BenjaminPDixon with the building and restoration of The North Star which was the legacy started by Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany. https://t.co/HkdRim34lx


Today Nigeria literally used this video of Trump to justify shooting and killing protestors. https://t.co/TOuOmvDx2s


RT @RobertMaguire_: Nigerian Army Uses Trump’s Words to Justify Fatal Shooting of Rock-Throwing Protesters https://t.co/XDupJ0DPXi https://t.co/JjfYBGQ1dR


RT @politico: "We released that video to say if President Trump can say that rocks are as good as a rifle, who is Amnesty International?” the Nigerian Army spokesman told the New York Times. “What did David use to kill Goliath? So a stone is a weapon" https://t.co/zzRAGF9cmS


RT @shaunking: Florida you NEED to get out and vote for @AndrewGillum before Tuesday. Find your early vote location here: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz https://t.co/RHO3KNDPTz


@ryenarussillo Agreed


@MattLeinartQB Agreed


Florida you can crack 200%, I believe in you! Vote early this weekend and bring a friend or three: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz https://t.co/e9ShEaxjg4


RT @1alyssakang: HAPPENING NOW in Orlando. Part of the line to get into the rally with @AndrewGillum and @BernieSanders! Florida, vote Gillum for Governor! #BringItHome #HappyHalloween https://t.co/I2TgDEeYbe


RT @ZachWritesStuff: Here’s an explainer by @LeoBeletsky & me on how drug-induced homicide is compounding the harms of the overdose crisis. Please read & share. https://t.co/M7LDg7MuRK


RT @PrisonReformMvt: Sade Tomlinson was running scared in the woods. A sheriff’s deputy and a K-9 dog were pursuing the Black then-17-year-old, who, along with friends, had taken off... https://t.co/AOgO0uTBk8


RT @emilyjanefox: NEW: With the midterms days away, and President Trump ratcheting up his rhetoric, Michael Cohen detailed instances to me in which he said his former boss privately used chilling, racist language https://t.co/3PnhnoHKfA


RT @AaronBlake: 4 racist things Trump has said, per Michael Cohen: -"Black people are too stupid to vote for me." -"Name 1 country run by a black person that’s not a shithole." -"Only the blacks could live like this." -"There’s no way I can let this black f-ing win." https://t.co/hABkB09eSO


Florida you NEED to get out and vote for @AndrewGillum before Tuesday. Find your early vote location here: https://t.co/ySdg3JY4dz https://t.co/RHO3KNDPTz


RT @Haase4Hennepin: Our race is gaining national attention, and the next FOUR DAYS mean everything. We know this race will be tight, which is why everything counts. Donate now➡️https://t.co/bWhNhVM3M5 Volunteer now➡️https://t.co/vpj3AD6VQG #reclaimjustice https://t.co/q3zydMtapa


RT @whatsnext: .@ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon are relaunching Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/pk8y9yGMi3 Join the launch team


RT @paolamendoza: What a mom is willing to do for her child is on full display with the refugee caravan. This is love. https://t.co/UhBlgHcPri


RT @jaramos_jr: Our Danny Boy voted for the first time. Raza is voting like crazy in the hood! Polls were 🔥 in NS as we all voted for @BetoORourke & @ARobertsforDA ✊🏽💯 https://t.co/47cQLsqK4U


RT @errollouis: “The president has spoken of riots that have not happened, claimed deals that have not been reached, cited jobs that have not been created and spun dark conspiracies that have no apparent basis in reality.” https://t.co/3GxTB7ZGyl


RT @nytimes: The Nigerian Army fatally opened fire on rock-throwing protestors this week. To justify their actions, they shared a video of a Donald Trump speech. https://t.co/u7zTOWbjON


RT @GlennThrush: She was born in Mississippi one year before Emmett Till was butchered there. https://t.co/pklP87W1mC


RT @dabeard: With the blessing & permission of the family of Frederick Douglass, @shaunking and @BenjaminPDixon are re-starting The North Star, Douglass's pioneering newspaper that was dedicated to the end of slavery and racism. https://t.co/CzUfCUQXXO Join the team at https://t.co/6iZvfnxcXM


RT @JovankaBeckles: I'm not just asking for your vote — I'm asking you to join a movement. Because together, we can build a California for the many. Four days left, y'all. Let's do this. 👉🏿 https://t.co/p2bdOHGgAQ https://t.co/A6UzFnzZhd


RT @paolamendoza: There are so many children on this caravan. Everywhere I turn I see babies crying, toddlers begging to be picked up, five year olds limping along the road and teenagers carrying their house on their backs. I worry how much farther they can walk. https://t.co/67VMR8If8r


RT @MarthaCreedon: Let's do this! A super-quick sign-up is all it takes to join launch team w/@ShaunKing, @BenjaminPDixon as they revive Frederick Douglass & Martin Delany's historic publication, The North Star, as news app, website, podcasts, online nightly news broadcast. https://t.co/Q2qKKQJU9M https://t.co/PDClN662ez


RT @MsLaws1: This is going to be EPIC!!! Please sign up, and tell your family and friends to sign up, too! #TheNorthStar https://t.co/IyREdiI0PM


RT @arifskinchen: It is my humble opinion that we should ALL get on board with @shaunking and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's #NorthStar ! #AllVoicesDeserveToBeHeard https://t.co/CY78fYkbim


RT @BenjaminPDixon: 80,000 people signed up in less than 36 hours. Help us break 100,000. This is how important The North Star already is to SOOO many people. Help us CRUSH our two-week goal in TWO DAYS! Share this and help spread the word. The North Star is coming! https://t.co/vKojrVSvBL


RT @ananavarro: 13 Americans died b/c of hate crimes last week. I can’t rationalize voting for anyone embracing Trump as he continues to divide Americans & peddle bigotry. For 1st time, I won’t be voting for a Republican for Governor. I'm voting for ⁦@AndrewGillum⁩ https://t.co/IbWft8LskN


RT @mollydoernberg: “Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that incapacitating drug sellers by ‘taking them off the street’ results in sustained reductions in illicit drug supplies, increases in drug prices, or reductions in overdose rates” -⁦⁦ @theappeal⁩ https://t.co/9Kz9WClmtg


RT @keithboykin: President Obama: In 2010, Republicans said death panels would get you. In 2014, they said it was Ebola. In 2016, they said it was Hillary’s emails. Now in 2018, they’re blaming a bunch of poor refugees 1,000 miles away. It’s another political stunt. https://t.co/3ponAVMImo


@tomi_adeyemi Love it!!


RT @kylegriffin1: Obama responds to hecklers: "Here's the deal: If you support the other candidates, then you should go support the other candidates. Don't be here. One of the things I never understood was why, if you're supporting the other guy, you come to my rally." (via Politico) https://t.co/YvGF0heOGx


RT @DrIbram: This is big! Congrats Shaun! https://t.co/WbVWY2wS0K


RT @KarenAttiah: NEW: Turkish President Erdogan pens an fiery op-Ed in @washingtonpost about Saudi Arabia and WaPo columnist Jamal #Khashoggi’s murder: “We must reveal the identities of the puppet masters behind Khashoggi’s killing” https://t.co/pXJmungTwm


RT @HOT97: #LyftBae from @insecurehbo aka @Kendrick38 came to hang out w/ @EBROINTHEAM & speak about #Election2018 + his activism. Watch the conversation: https://t.co/SktdYM4Dsu https://t.co/hdUsUf513O


RT @ColorOfChange: .@KeeganMKey & @chrisrock have a message for you: don't be silenced Nov. 6th! If someone attempts to block you from voting at the polls, this is what you must do. PS: Text PLEDGE to 225568 to commit to showing up Election Day & we'll send you critical voting information. https://t.co/N1dgcR09wM


Minneapolis!!! Listen, we all say we want to change the justice system. On Tuesday you have a chance to actually do just that by voting for Mark Haase (@Haase4Hennepin) for County Attorney. The race is TIED in the polls. We need you to vote for Mark! And spread the word. https://t.co/hI737zlOVP


HUGE NEWS!!! Go vote early Georgia! Today is your last day!! https://t.co/QnF0caaSTf


RT @jkhoey: Join the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/LFovutXg3Y (I did!)


🔥🔥🔥 In just 24 hours, 80,411 of you signed up to help us rebuild The North Star as a place for liberation journalism. Our first goal is 100,000 people on our launch team. Join us NOW @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW. https://t.co/NBK77C9ker


RT @shaunking: I asked my friend @4NIKKOLAS - a Disney imagineer, to design a historic collage for our relaunch of The North Star and he designed this beautiful piece for us. We are building a launch team of 100,000 people @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW I hope you'll join us! https://t.co/stGElIJUGI


RT @iamroxannejones: Telling our own stories is the greatest power we have. Frederick Douglass & Martin Delany knew this 171 years ago when they published The North Star. That's why I'm joining the Launch Team w/ @ShaunKing & @BenjaminPDixon as they rebuild The North Star! https://t.co/lbPYKjSkXH


RT @HardHonesty: I joined @ShaunKing & @BenjaminPDixon as they re-relaunch Frederick Douglas' and Martin Delany's North Star a century after it sought abolition. Sign up here: https://t.co/2UEGVBbzIf


RT @DustinWMilligan: I feel like Twitter is much less effective in the fight for truth, justice, and equality than we all hoped, but this feels...bigger. Join me, sign your name, and help in https://t.co/Unsy7bhJ1i https://t.co/uahLlbCEiR


RT @theappeal: “State attorneys general in many states are using an array of approaches to address systemic criminal justice issues, such as mass incarceration, policing practices, and changes in criminal sentencing.” The Daily Appeal: Attorney General Elections Guide https://t.co/z0vkTSjh7u


RT @theappeal: Caleb Smith ordered online what he thought was Adderall to help him study. His girlfriend asked to try it. She died from an overdose. It turned out the substance was fentanyl. Prosecutors charged Caleb with “drug-induced homicide." Then he killed himself. https://t.co/ft0K4IG4TC


RT @jessicalanyadoo: Sign up & support this amazing work! https://t.co/DnAE1VCIfb


Steve King is a white supremacist https://t.co/VQhDVYrWk9


RT @Bruno_J_Navarro: Kansas militia men blame Trump rhetoric for mosque attack plan https://t.co/pBZYDialHl


RT @itsYRmedia: “This is not what democracy looks like.” Two voting districts. One college campus. Students at #NCAT are fighting #VoterSuppression. 🎥 https://t.co/e4axG8lI1m 🎥 #Midterms2018 @kamayatruitt | #YRmedia https://t.co/HvlFwtKZkD


RT @helenprejean: Attention All Voters: @theappeal has put together a comprehensive guide to the politics of criminal justice reform on the ballot next Tuesday. The website is user-friendly and provides a lot of context for these often ignored campaigns. Learn more here: https://t.co/yBZZ9eAChU.


RT @shaunking: Yoooooo!!! Look at the lines for early voting in Atlanta!!! Shout out to Moss B for the video! 1. Damn this is great. 2. The Oprah effect. 3. Nobody should have to wait this long to vote. 4. His commentary on this video is everything! 5. Let’s go @staceyabrams!! https://t.co/11MBo51vGK


RT @georgejoseph94: New: The sheriff of Wake County NC, who defends his deputies every time they unleash dogs on black residents, is up for re-election next week: https://t.co/Hve9GZjTzo


RT @attackerman: "Kill All Jews," written in a synagogue stairwell, after a pogrom that happened not even a week ago in Pittsburgh. https://t.co/U0HVByfPaS


RT @staceyabrams: Georgia: TODAY is your last chance to vote early. The future of our state is in your hands. Return your completed absentee ballot TODAY or find your in-person early voting location right now: https://t.co/ibvTOolZIJ


RT @AndrewGillum: My mom’s down in Miami with us today to see President @BarackObama — and send a message to all of our supporters with 4 days to go. #BringItHome https://t.co/KqwngpY13X


RT @Toure: Trump is using the military to help him campaign.


Yoooooo!!! Look at the lines for early voting in Atlanta!!! Shout out to Moss B for the video! 1. Damn this is great. 2. The Oprah effect. 3. Nobody should have to wait this long to vote. 4. His commentary on this video is everything! 5. Let’s go @staceyabrams!! https://t.co/11MBo51vGK


RT @paolamendoza: This is who Trump is telling us to fear. A mother with her 4 month old baby and her 10 year old daughter. America open your heart. #CarvanaMigrante https://t.co/H10Qrmeewc


RT @RMac18: I am extremely hungover but had to report on *deep sigh* why Twitter was listing "Kill All Jews" as a trending topic this morning. https://t.co/GkeT46SXTN


RT @K_JeanPierre: Today is Nov. 2nd, whatever happened to the middle class tax cut that Donald Trump promised by Nov. 1st....


RT @youngsinick: Stacey Abrams is so good. https://t.co/6munzjW3MG


RT @shaunking: AMERICA. Here are the thugs and criminals Donald Trump wants to send 10,000 troops for. They are mainly women and children. They are refugees legally seeking asylum. https://t.co/gYlgpLyHDN


RT @theappeal: North Carolina sheriff criticized for unleashing K-9 dogs on Black people faces re-election. Advocates say that Sheriff Donnie Harrison is unfit for a fifth term because of such abusive practices as well as his office's cooperation with ICE. https://t.co/wcLbc37gpF


RT @Haase4Hennepin: Thank you @shaunking! Our grassroots campaign is getting national attention in the final days, in thanks to champions like you. We need ALL the help we can get before Nov 6. Visit ➡️ https://t.co/5MB6z6rUrY to see the clear choice #reclaimjustice https://t.co/2nS6xavycU


RT @JusticesPromise: Learn more about the unacceptable medical care at #angola and how we're fighting to fix it. Our ED @mercedesmontag breaks down the issues on @theappealpod. #cjreform #peoplenotprisons #healthinprisons https://t.co/WEtMeIUiXx


RT @RoKhanna: Great piece by @ShaunKing. Does anyone honestly doubt that Donald Trump's rhetoric has contributed to our climate of hate and fear? https://t.co/9sZITo8y8c


RT @Haase4Hennepin: There’s less than 100 hours until Election Day. Our months of grassroots organizing is in the final stretch and EVERY vote counts. How can you join #TeamHaase? ✅donate https://t.co/bWhNhVM3M5 ✅volunteer https://t.co/vpj3AD6VQG ✅spread the word https://t.co/5MB6z6rUrY https://t.co/PVQoBAfOyE


RT @BetoORourke: Last day of early voting! Get it done, Texas. Find a polling location near you: https://t.co/ckkFIm9nHy


AMERICA. Here are the thugs and criminals Donald Trump wants to send 10,000 troops for. They are mainly women and children. They are refugees legally seeking asylum. https://t.co/gYlgpLyHDN


Minneapolis!!! Hennepin County!!! Listen to me. You HAVE to vote for Mark Haase (@Haase4Hennepin) for County Attorney. Mark is a great, compassionate man. And a true reformer. He will change the local justice system from the inside out and his race is TIED in the polls. https://t.co/N5B6GHuPzr


RT @djlavoie: So.....this is pretty awesome. @shaunking & @BenjaminPDixon are resurrecting Frederick Douglass's abolitionist "North Star" newspaper. https://t.co/IoRDftr2Uc


RT @Haase4Hennepin: NEW POLL: This race is TIED. 5 days left--we need you. See the clear choice for County Attorney. https://t.co/5MB6z6rUrY #reclaimjustice https://t.co/YY6IfMOaMT


Minneapolis! Huge opportunity to replace an entrenched incumbent with a reformer. Let's get @Haase4Hennepin across the finish line! https://t.co/4lOiKbJFPd


RT @maggieNYT: 'Kill all Jews' graffiti discovered inside Brooklyn synagogue - N.Y. Post https://t.co/0efiVS8UEZ


🔥🔥🔥 In just 24 hours, 73,701 of you signed up to help us rebuild The North Star as a place for liberation journalism. Our first goal is 100,000 people. Join us NOW @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW. https://t.co/dvl9YrSb2O


RT @aterkel: GOP Rep. Steve Knight has a TV ad featuring a veteran praising the congressman. That veteran “has posted dozens of racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim comments on Facebook” https://t.co/XZhkPsTiIl


RT @BetoORourke: We can be defined by our fears -- who and what they want us to be afraid of -- or we can be known for our ambitions. In this moment of smallness and paranoia, Texas is going to lead the way with our courage, confidence, strength, and experiences. https://t.co/eNUIC7dQJk


RT @JerameyForMS: Thanks Shaun! We are proud to have your support. https://t.co/8wjw5Vhelv


@StacyLeMelle Indeed


@jerameyanderson I believe in you! So do my friends in Mississippi!


@ljoywilliams @BenjaminPDixon Thank you!!


RT @ShaunnaLMurphy: Already seeing MAGAs calling this women a “well-paid liberal elitist” but FYI cheerleaders make shit and whoever she is, she is brave as hell for doing this https://t.co/WsDaqzT4FP


RT @Rollins4DA: Attention Team Rollins: GOTV (Get Out The Vote) is almost upon us! We need your help to ensure Suffolk County is ready to go to the polls on November 6th. Please check your calendars and sign up to volunteer! Visit https://t.co/ilCXQTi1wt to sign up! https://t.co/GNqgUZfIbl


RT @spidadmitchell: This is terrible! He should be fired and not be allowed to coach again! How are you gonna tell a kid that you control his future because he wants to transfer! Some people abuse their power over young athletes and it is sad! Make sure everyone knows his name too MIKE WOODBURY! https://t.co/XTv5vjHyDU


This appears to be the first time this has happened. // Cheerleader kneels during national anthem at NFL game https://t.co/dfQiRS58S4


RT @GatorLenny: One of the Niners cheerleaders is taking a knee. https://t.co/DW5SJqh9zj


RT @3LWTV: Join the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/HjJQZU3DLJ


RT @Shakeenz: Big news! The unstoppable @shaunking is relaunching #TheNorthStar, Frederick Douglass and Martin Delaney's 170 year old abolitionist newspaper, as a modern liberation-minded news source for today's dissenting Americans. Let's help them get 100K supporters! https://t.co/Ie8aCiouo0


RT @BenjaminPDixon: I'm most excited about building the North Star platform to amplify other voices. Of course, @shaunking and I will be writing and putting out content, but I'm most excited about the talent we get to promote and the stories they will tell. Join us! https://t.co/X4OKRrr30q


RT @shomaristone: Man Reunites With Georgetown Students Whose Work Helped Him Get Out of Prison. Valentino Dixon was wrongfully convicted of murder & spent 27 years in prison. @nbcwashington’s @shomaristone Reports on #ValentinoDixon at @Georgetown #Hoyas. https://t.co/NLPRHPa11K


RT @shaunking: Are you following @TheAppeal? If not, you should. I sincerely think it's the best platform in the country for quality journalism on criminal justice reform. The editors, the writers, the researchers - are some of the best in the business.


RT @kmorrisjr: @_Tiana_ @shaunking @BenjaminPDixon @DouglassFamily Tiana, thanks for sharing these pics. I took this picture of the Talman Building, where #TheNorthStar was published, a few summers ago on our #FootStepsToFreedom study tour. #FrederickDouglass https://t.co/90pjxH6Tit


UPDATE: An amazing 61,862 of you have now signed up to help us rebuild The North Star! Get more information and join us NOW @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW We're trying to get a team of 100,000 people before we take our next steps!


RT @_Tiana_: #Rochester NY is thrilled to hear about the @shaunking & @BenjaminPDixon North Star project! Here’s a picture of the Talman Building on Main Street where #FrederickDouglass did his world-changing work! #roc #FrederickDouglass200 @kmorrisjr @DouglassFamily https://t.co/OduO1V2s6f https://t.co/lPxKiMsPMP


@ProfClaiborne Agreed.


MINNEAPOLIS!! You have to vote for Mark Haase! https://t.co/FYTK08bjk2


RT @kylegriffin1: Trump just said that the pipe bomb mailings and Pittsburgh shooting stopped his momentum in the midterms: "Now, we did have two maniacs stop a momentum that was incredible. Because for 7 days, nobody talked about the elections. It stopped a tremendous momentum."


RT @SymoneDSanders: 🗣🗣🗣 VOTE https://t.co/FjPO1vauOc


RT @BenjaminPDixon: 55,000 people signed up today for our launch team just today. Wow.


RT @calex128: I’d never heard of The North Star, but it was created by abolitionists 171yrs ago to guide the nation toward freedom. Our nation needs a new guide, so I’m joining @ https://t.co/LeDTeJ51jV and hope you’ll join me! https://t.co/riY5crzrwb


RT @WT_Slaughter: Feeling inspired: 171 years ago The North Star was created by abolitionists to guide this nation toward freedom. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/68efwaNSag. Join it with me!


RT @Jacob__Castillo: Almost 200 years ago, abolitionist Frederick Douglass founded The North Star, a progressive newspaper dedicated to changing our country for the better. One of my greatest inspirations, Shaun King, is doing his part to bring it back. Will you join us? https://t.co/yNegKqY354


RT @dabeard: White police in Georgia are targeting drivers and vehicles helping get black voters to the polls https://t.co/e3uqmTzI4j @charlesbethea @shaunking @TheRickWilson #GA


RT @enjoyceinglife: Thrilled: 171 years after it launched, with the blessing & permission of Frederick Douglass’ family, @ShaunKing is relaunching #TheNorthStar, created by abolitionists to guide the U.S. toward freedom. Join the rebuilding team with me! #JournalismMatters https://t.co/6m9DEuSx8Q


RT @kmorrisjr: #FrederickDouglass was a radical reformer. He published The North Star to give enslaved ppl a voice and to hold a hypocritical Christian nation accountable for the atrocities committed on its blood-drenched soil. We have to tell our own stories. I just joined the team. Won’t you? https://t.co/EC5MTm6xJ1


RT @samoryba: Join the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/NOpz7MOMmk


RT @AkhileshMenawat: New Poll from @ChangePolls shows @Haase4Hennepin and @MikeFreemanHCA virtually tied! 5 days to go! How are you going to help bring this home? https://t.co/VhDuvSswNP #ReclaimJustice https://t.co/ZZyGdaZV4k


RT @Haase4Hennepin: NEW POLL: This race is TIED. 5 days left--we need you. See the clear choice for County Attorney. https://t.co/5MB6z6rUrY #reclaimjustice https://t.co/YY6IfMOaMT


MINNEAPOLIS!! Listen to me! This is your chance to change your entire justice system from the inside out. I know @Haase4Hennepin. I trust him. I trust his vision. You are going to have to show up and VOTE him in as your new County Attorney. Let's DO this! It's TIED. https://t.co/4lOiKbJFPd


RT @iamroxannejones: Telling our own stories is the greatest power we have. Frederick Douglass & Martin Delany knew this 171 years ago when they published The North Star. That's why I'm joining the Launch Team w/ @ShaunKing & @BenjaminPDixon as they rebuild The North Star! https://t.co/lbPYKjSkXH


quinta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2018

RT @YNB: I just joined the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's #NorthStar! Join with me in support of this important work. https://t.co/OHBncCkJOx ❤


RT @davidsirota: So glad to hear about this from the great @ShaunKing. He is someone who has always been focused on the important work -- and this is a part of that. https://t.co/v2eyNoUnQA


RT @theappeal: In Alabama, Terrance Truitt has been jailed repeatedly over court debt for fishing to feed his family. https://t.co/buuwRuswjY by @mauraewing


RT @rklau: Big launch from @shaunking and @BenjaminPDixon! https://t.co/CibDjJzknF


RT @shaunking: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: 171 years after Frederick Douglass started The North Star, @BenjaminPDixon and I, with the permission & blessing from the family of Frederick Douglass, are rebuilding it for this generation. Click to read my full announcement here. https://t.co/8ru9rkKYZx


RT @RobinWColeman: An important step, and interesting in light of the Black Press in America project from @JHUP -- @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/qfQC1huJHY


RT @born2bear: There is a huge shortage of actual speaking truth to power. It ends now. 171 years ago The North Star was created by abolitionists to guide this nation toward freedom. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/DPkb5z9f9r. Join it with me! #ShaunKing


RT @jrhorrell: I just joined the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! Join with me in support of this important work. https://t.co/4Rlr6WLQ7M


RT @BigLizConjure: This is an IMPORTANT project. Get behind it. https://t.co/XGpn0v6bqJ


RT @BenjaminPDixon: Working with media companies you quickly learn that often times they want your voice but not necessarily what you have to say. Too many of us experience this and learn this the hard way. Both Shaun and I experienced this. So we did something about it. https://t.co/4HvlfyhzIg


RT @_blackintellect: This is the beginning of something huge. I'm going to proudly support any new platform that elevates voices and challenges the current order destroying this country. @BenjaminPDixon and @shaunking have a great idea that needs our support! https://t.co/w4EzNv3jo4


RT @mediarevolt: Kudos to @shaunking & @BenjaminPDixon, partnering and leading the charge to reboot the vision of The North Star into what promises to be a new era for independent journalism. Everybody should get involved at https://t.co/HYEkmw5fAj!


RT @shaunking: I asked my friend @4NIKKOLAS - a Disney imagineer, to design a historic collage for our relaunch of The North Star and he designed this beautiful piece for us. We are building a launch team of 100,000 people @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW I hope you'll join us! https://t.co/stGElIJUGI


@BenjaminPDixon I remember this so clearly my friend


RT @BenjaminPDixon: A little context for my partnership w/@shaunking and the new media company. I knew Shaun’s work for years, but I unfortunately needed Shaun’s help after police killed my friend Corey Jones three years ago. I was in media and didn’t have a large audience. But I had relationships. https://t.co/WVS7pJ4JnM


RT @sarah4nabj: Congratulations to @shaunking and Ben Dixon on their efforts to relaunch #TheNorthStar. You too can join the launch team --> https://t.co/ZuPBhpaXJH https://t.co/EQv92k7cPE


RT @YNB: I'm in @shaunking! 😊✊🏽❤ https://t.co/eTKEKVuccV


RT @balleralert: Wonderful... https://t.co/c5MyWku9Xn


RT @MichaelSalamone: Three cheers for @shaunking & @BenjaminPDixon! I signed up at https://t.co/PEGDt0G3sH and encourage you to do so as well! https://t.co/DABcnsot3l


RT @MeritLaw: In case you’re wondering— No, they haven’t cleaned the water in Flint, Michigan yet— they just found a better way of covering it up. https://t.co/xSLm8wAutL


RT @NicholasFerroni: Congrats and thank you. https://t.co/8hqWIHTFIP


RT @lfung: Check this out https://t.co/AvfANjLWEd


RT @penningtonkm: Huge announcement from @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon -- looking forward to reading and hearing more. https://t.co/GZTMo1pVnB


RT @francismmaxwell: LISTEN. We need this. While @foxandfriends defend Trump, saying 'he wouldn't call the media the enemy if they reported the news the way he wanted them to report it' it tells us now more than ever we need news organizations dedicated to the truth, not what Trump views as the truth https://t.co/PEJHMaJuVL


RT @corimurray: Join the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/RPaEHO1zpT


@GilmoreGlenda Thank you!


@JoelMadden Thanks my friend!


RT @JoelMadden: Congrats Shaun! 🇺🇸 https://t.co/FlJhitBRCq


RT @RyanWmsNBC: Epic! @ShaunKing is bringing back Frederick Douglass publication The North Star 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 https://t.co/ri6ifsxevx


RT @shaunking: BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: 171 years after Frederick Douglass started The North Star, @BenjaminPDixon and I, with the permission & blessing from the family of Frederick Douglass, are rebuilding it for this generation. Click to read my full announcement here. https://t.co/8ru9rkKYZx


We just crossed 8,000 of you signed up @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW Our goal is to build a team that is 100,000 strong before we launch!


RT @diviroxx: I just signed up for https://t.co/eBz7SfENav because it significant for us to tell the stories that matter to us in our own words and through our own eyes. I also understand that we are not a monolith and expect diversity and accountability from the writers and editors.


RT @JulieScelfo: Best action you can take today towards building a better future? Visit https://t.co/IuJlPw0Sq8 to support @shaunking’s important new media platform. #everyonevsinjustice #whatlovelookslike https://t.co/FEvOf9pyx5


@gregmepstein @BenjaminPDixon THANK YOU Greg!!


RT @gregmepstein: An ambitious, inspiring move by @shaunking & @BenjaminPDixon, relaunching Frederick Douglass's paper! I follow both of their work: this is going to be *good*. Was excited to sign up on their list & join their team but apparently so many others were that it crashed a server... https://t.co/QR6QafBbiM


RT @RenittaShannon: The lack of diversity in media overall is a big reason our stories aren’t told as they should be or even told at all. Help @shaunking fix that. 👇🏾 👏🏾👏🏾So excited to hear your announcement #shaunking! https://t.co/9Pnkc3TiJn


WOW!!! In just 90 minutes, 6,763 of you have already signed up to help us rebuild The North Star. JOIN US @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW


RT @adamjohnsonNYC: In which I learn incarcerate people at Angola have to pay 3 days labor worth of funds just to see a doctor and if they’re determined not to be adequately sick by an EMT they’re charged with “aggravated malingering” and punished with additional work and denied certain privileges https://t.co/mPvJwfL2WM


@SikhFeminist @BenjaminPDixon THANK YOU!


RT @SikhFeminist: We shift society's moral compass when we are able to tell our own stories w/ the needed dimensions, nuance & historical lens they deserve. So today I am joining the team to rebuild #TheNorthStar, an abolitionist newspaper founded 171 yrs ago @BuildingTheNorthStar.com. Join w/ me!


RT @KumarRaoNYC: Join the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/yspjEdjEDg


RT @RisingChar: Join the Launch Team with @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon as they relaunch Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/W0rwyDk2zN


RT @LuvAvaGabrielle: Shaun King is relaunching Frederick Douglass' enslavement era newspaper, "The North Star"! Join him today! https://t.co/Pxi7xxfI1r


RT @BrandLisa: In memory of Abby Kelley Foster, I support this relaunch of the NorthStar. How to join the "Launch Team" of @ShaunKing and @BenjaminPDixon to produce a new edition of Frederick Douglass and Martin Delany's North Star! https://t.co/Sdx2Pfpc5E #BlackTwitter1847


RT @AnthonyLazon: The North Star has been reborn. Join it with me ! https://t.co/30u7a9XEK5 https://t.co/3bi8ARhZcP


RT @jennifercurrell: 171 years ago The North Star was created by abolitionists to guide this nation toward freedom. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/IgXOmPzUuW.


RT @NikDurman: 171 years ago The North Star was created by abolitionists to help liberate millions. Today I am joining the team to rebuild it @ https://t.co/PgRq3tpbD8. @shaunking #BreaktheChains


I asked my friend @4NIKKOLAS - a Disney imagineer, to design a historic collage for our relaunch of The North Star and he designed this beautiful piece for us. We are building a launch team of 100,000 people @ https://t.co/sIbQ1SC5UW I hope you'll join us! https://t.co/stGElIJUGI


BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: 171 years after Frederick Douglass started The North Star, @BenjaminPDixon and I, with the permission & blessing from the family of Frederick Douglass, are rebuilding it for this generation. Click to read my full announcement here. https://t.co/8ru9rkKYZx


RT @theappeal: Under Tennessee’s drug-free school zone law, Calvin Bryant received a 17-year sentence for a first-time drug offense for selling ecstasy to an informant in his home. After 11 years, now he’s free. Drug-free school zone offenses almost never involve minors. https://t.co/uHpmGvjmGa


RT @AdamSerwer: I just never want to hear the phrase “played the race card” applied to people of color ever again. Trump is throwing the entire deck at the American electorate right now and none of the anti-“identity politics” crusaders have a harsh word to say about it.


RT @jonfavs: Ted Cruz called white nationalist Steve King today and reiterated his support. Unbelievable. https://t.co/yob8d08tQ1


Calça Creed Loja Novo Style

You’re wiping your brow constantly; your clothes stick to your back, forming abstract sweat blots like a Rorschach test. How’s an effortl...